Thursday, August 17, 2006
Bisley ”AC/DC”
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Literacy Donation Box.
Audio Guerrilla - Underground grates.
Audio boxes are installed under the underground grates situated in the busiest parts of towns. Throughout the day, passers-by walking past hear the sound of harsh screams of a tortured man. The acute cries blare from under the grills and alert the pedestrians to look down and read – “Today 133 jounalists are imprisoned and tortured all over the world.”
Agency: DDB Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: DDB Brussels, Belgium.

Smokers Breath.
Press-kit "Fox life"
Breast mouse pad.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
NDTV 24/7
Knowledge of the world.
Creation of a unique experience and press motif for press, public and booksellers on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Brockhaus and the launch of the 21st edition at the book fair in Frankfurt October 2005. The installation of 30 replicas of the Brockhaus Encyclopedia placed in a formation reminiscent of Stonehenge was a tribute to the timeless validity of the knowledge of the world in the encyclopedias of Brockhaus. Knowing that there was only one chance to see the performance of the opera, the interest in and attendance of the event by press and audience was extremely high - and they just loved it!
Agency: BBDO Campaign, Germany.
Agency: BBDO Campaign, Germany.

IBM “Replicant”
IBM has a large range of mainframe-inspired Intel servers, called BladeCenters, but IBM was being overlooked by many IT decision makers who were in the market for mission-critical-ready servers. Because it was largely known for its large yet reliable mainframe systems, yet its experience at the high end of mission-critical capability combined with its reputation for reliability really differentiated IBM, nobody in the market seemed to know. To get the message out there, it first had to reach a notoriously loyal and sceptical IT audience, then to cut through. So the idea to win this audience over was to sell the reliability of IBM mainframe in an Intel box. A 3D replica, one-third the size of an IBM BladeCenter Intel server, was created, complete with moving parts and printed with copy explaining the benefits of each part. Pull-out boxes and blades also demonstrated how each part made the server highly reliable and mission-critical ready.
Agency: Ogilvy&Mather Asia Pacific, Australia.
Agency: Ogilvy&Mather Asia Pacific, Australia.

Durex “You’re safe with Durex”
Ebay "Moved to Ebay"
Monday, August 14, 2006
Rox energy drink.
Press-kit " The Day After Tomorrow"
Adidas "Rubber ducks"
Adidas decided to take advantage of the Copenhagen Fashion Week and launch a new store in Pilestraede, Copenhagen. They filled the fountain pool at Enhave Plads with small blue rubber ducks. On the side of the ducks it says: "I've swum too far - help me get back home!" And on the bottom it says "Reward for my return at Adidas Original store".


Metropolitan Police "Knife City"
The Metropolitan Police Service wanted to reduce the growing number of young people carrying knives. Young people do not think about the consequences of carrying a knife, and in particular think that carrying a knife is a legitimate form of protection. They create a demo game, "Knife City", which contrasts the fantasy world of gaming with the consequences of the real world. Include on the DVD crime prevention messages as well as testimonials from people who have been stabbed, parents of victims and specialist surgeons. Sampling teams distribute the demo and provide credibility, whilst DJs promote the game on-air. www.itsnotagame.org provide further information about the consequences of carrying a knife.
Agency: Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy, United Kingdom.
Agency: Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy, United Kingdom.

BBC “It’s not funny”
Research confirmed that's what most students mistakenly think of having to buy a Licence to watch TV in the UK. They needed a campaign to get students to understand that the consequences of watching TV at university without a licence are far from amusing. Indeed they can be quite serious, with prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000. What better solution than an idea inspired by students themselves: 'anti-humour'. It's a fast-growing underground genre on campus, with the proliferation of anti-humour websites. One describes anti-humour as,"having all the telltale signs of a joke, but just when you expect a witty punchline, you get a fact or cliché. It's funny, precisely because it isn't". They created an 'anti-humour' campaign across 30 touchpoints: every 'joke' falls flat at a sobering fact about the consequences of watching TV unlicenced. Then, they put this campaign into students' hands - ingeniously using 'anti-humour' to get them to spread their serious message amongst themselves!
Agency: Proximity London, United kingdom.
Agency: Proximity London, United kingdom.

Corbis “Keyword Mania”
Corbis wanted to communicate the great strides it had made in the area of conceptual keywording, which empowers their clients to search for and find imagery that actually expands their creative options. Secondary objectives were to: - Increase the visibility of Corbis' fashion-forward, progressive imagery. - Claim and defend the overall concept of keywording, thus supporting and strengthening Corbis' global advertising campaign. - Create a new "reason to call" thousands of clients and potential clients at an opportune time. Once the Keyword Mania concept was in place, mandatories were agreed upon for actually creating the game. It needed to: - Drive people to the Corbis Website. - Involve interacting with Corbis imagery. - Feature conceptual keywords. - Be simple to enter. - Include an interactive, hands-on version to entice the world's elite creatives to play. The physical and virtual versions of the game were invented - using a Universal Man the central visual. From that visual starting point flowed print ads, emails, shirts, towels, restaurant placemats, "Keyword Maniacs," and "illustrated" rickshaws and MINI Coopers.
Agency: Remerinc Seattle, U.S.A.

Agency: Remerinc Seattle, U.S.A.

Student Banking Services “Body parts”
Being a university student is financially demanding and students will do almost anything to earn extra money. We needed to tell students that Bank of New Zealand's Campus Pack offers them a safe, easy way of having enough money while they study, without having to resort to desperate measures."Don't get desperate. Get a Campus Pack." To illustrate a very bad way to earn money, we invented a fictitious company called "Body Parts Direct". We created posters and direct marketing packs for the company which offered students cash for selling their spare body parts. Over each poster and brochure we placed the message "Don't get desperate. Get a Campus Pack". To support the posters and DM, we also staged a crazy live stunt on campus with actors encouraging students to sell their body parts.
Agency: AIM Proximity, New Zealand.
Agency: AIM Proximity, New Zealand.

Thursday, August 10, 2006
Purell “Wash your hands”
Wash your hands is a campaign to improve hand hygiëne sponsered by Purell, a hand sanitizer from Pfizer. We underscore where, and how, hand wassing isn’t enough. In a docter’s room you always find really old magazines. We placed stickers on their covers. You read the issue date through a hole in the sticker, giving the headline a bite, and reinforcing hand hygiëne. Then washyourhands.tv trumpets Purell as a quick, convenient germ killer. The stickers have tags like: “Thumbed Through By Sick People Since October 2005,”Gently Sneezed on Since October 2002,” and “Exposing Patients to More Than Germs Since November 1998.”
Agency: JWT, Canada.

Agency: JWT, Canada.

Anti-Piracy Foundation “Pirated DVD”
Discourage customers from buying pirated DVD's and encourage people to donate to the Anti-Piracy Foundation, the organisation committed to fighting the crime. Sell our own pirated DVD's and distribute them along the regular illegal channels. The campaign was launched with South Africa's most pirated DVD called Tsotsi. The only noticeable difference between our copy and an illegal copy was simple - our version stopped soon after the start of the movie and thanked them for their donation towards the efforts of anti-piracy.
Agency : TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannesburg, South Africa.

Agency : TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris Johannesburg, South Africa.

Brand’s Essence of Chicken “Car keys”
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Kellogg “Locked door”
Kellogg’s ask for an All-Bran campaign targeting people who are more concerned about their health. They decided to create a media action in various gyms WC. Stickers showing a “locked door” were placed on WC doors. When a door was closed, people had the sensation of being locked inside. All-Bran’s message to consumers appeared on another sticker next to the door: “Don’t feel trapped in the toilet.”
Agency: Leo Burnett, Portugal.
Agency: Leo Burnett, Portugal.

Yoga “Poster”
SONY “Textual harassment”
SONY is a key player in the compact digital camera market, and aims to maintain its strong foothold with the release of the T7, an ultra-slim digital camera (the slimmest on the market) that is packed with sophistication, particularly where design is concerned. How to announce the T7's coming to distributors in French retail (FNAC, Carrefour, Auchan ...), normally informed with just a simple technical list of selling points ? They create false demands to obtain true commands. The distributors who are NEVER used to receiving letters from consumers, are suddenly much in demand and fall into the trap of an implacable communication: the textual harassment. Letters from false consumers take the place of a classical product's list of selling points and translate these consumers' expectations: they want an ideal camera. Every letter has been printed in 1000 ex. (Some of its printed in press system) Every envelope has been manually written.
Agency: Proximity BBDO, France.
Agency: Proximity BBDO, France.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
MINI “Porcelain pylons”
Self defence school.
Volkswagen “Wallpaper”
The new Volkswagen is to be greeted as part of the family. And as habitual for offspring they get their own room. That is why we came up with the idea to send Volkswagen wallpaper decorating the garage in such a lovely manner that the new Volkswagen feels immediately like home - motifs are his "brothers and sisters".
Agency: Tribal DDB, Germany.
Agency: Tribal DDB, Germany.

Monday, August 07, 2006
WWF “Empty Book”
Rexona “Body odour”
Save trees.
Virgin Mobile “Enjoy responsibly”
Reinforce Virgin Mobile's popularity amongst young adults. Virgin Mobile's rates are low. So dangerously low that they are open to blatant abuse by the public. Given half a chance, people will use their mobiles in a thoroughly irresponsible manner just because it's cheap, even when explicitly requested not to. A contrived photo of Jason Donovan and his mobile number was leaked onto the internet and into the media, he was inundated with calls and texts from fans and foes. In response, Virgin Mobile set in motion a pseudo damage limitation campaign urging people to refrain from calling or texting 0403JASOND: "PLEASE ENJOY VIRGIN MOBILE'S LOW RATES RESPONSIBLY". This viral activity generated over 11,000 calls/texts in three weeks, once the campaign broke over 60,000 people visited www.responsiblemobileuse.com.au and over 670,000 calls/texts were made to 0403JASOND.
Agency: Host and The Glue Society, Australia.

Agency: Host and The Glue Society, Australia.

Kilroy “Antartica - Go before it’s to late”
Kilroy Travelagency is specialized in the more alternative destinations. To highlight these destinations, they placed an iceberg on the campus of a University in Kopenhagen. This allowed their primary target, students, to witness the melting of Antarctica proved by the tagline. 'Go before it’s too late.'
Agency: Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Denmark.
Agency: Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Denmark.

Der Standard “MMS”
Friday, August 04, 2006
remembersegregation.org "Colored/whites"
Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, and the civil rights struggle in the U.S. has been fading. They want to revive a visceral connection to the civil rights era. They want to give the holiday context and emotional meaning by getting people thinking about Dr. King's work. The world's first segregated advertising campaign. Idea: Remind people of what life was like before Dr. King, when "separate but equal" was the law of the land. Create multiple campaign components including direct mail, newspaper, and online elements constructed with one important feature: they are all segregated. When the audience comes into contact with the work, they feel the visceral discomfort of "separate but equal." All campaign elements lead the reader to remembersegregation.org.
Agency: DDB Seattle, U.S.A.

Agency: DDB Seattle, U.S.A.

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