Agency: Only Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
NS Hispeed "Police Speed Camera"
NS Hispeed is part of NS (Dutch Railways) and offers high speed rail links throughout Europe. The trains in the company's network present a very fast - up to 300 kph - and very comfortable alternative to the car, but still a lot of people seem to prefer long hours behind the wheel and the risk of traffic jams and speeding tickets. To make them see the error of their ways, they placed police cars with speed camera's next to main motorways leading to the Dutch border. These were hidden behind a trailer - a well known trick of the traffic police- that had a billboard on it, telling you to "treat yourself to the highspeed train".
Agency: Only Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Agency: Only Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Arimidex "Straws"
Can you pick which of your breast cancer patients will have a recurrence? There’s no way to predict which of your patients will have recurring breast cancer. So it makes sense to treat all patients as women with some risk. Versus tamoxifen, Arimidex can improve every patient's chance of staying disease free.
Agency: G2 Auckland, New Zealand.
Agency: G2 Auckland, New Zealand.

Deadline Express Couriers "Self destruct"
When Deadline Couriers give you a time, they actually mean it. To demonstrate this they chose to use a single billboard in the middle of the city to make a little noise. On it they placed a digital countdown clock, together with a promise that the billboard would self-destruct at zero hour. And at that exact moment, they blew it up - with nitramine dry powder, strobe grenades and smoke bombs. With a small budget (20,000 Dollar) a billboard was the most appropriate, most cost effective and most powerful medium to bring this idea to life. In addition to capturing 353,000 potential Deadline customers who drove past the site in the week leading up to the explosion, a live streaming webcam of the countdown linked to Deadline's homepage was seen by thousands more. Additionally the explosion was debated on blogs and picked up by the press and national television news. In total the billboard explosion was viewed by over a million people.
Agency: Colenso BBDO Auckland, New Zealand.
Agency: Colenso BBDO Auckland, New Zealand.

Homeless Children Foundation "Bookmarks"
To create social awareness for the education of underprivileged children and encourage people to help them using ambient media. Instead of giving out phone numbers or bank accounts for donation, they created a useful product: a bookmark. It features a child's hand, gesturing help from others. After this bookmark's success, they came up with others. This time, each bookmark had a hand gesture, wich was related to the book it was placed in. A hitchhiking hand gesture in travel books, a mudra hand gesture in meditation books, a peace hand gesture in war books, even a Vulcan salute for Star Trek books... The bookmarks were exhibited inside the books and sold near the cashiers.
Agency: TBWA/Istanbul & TBWA/Hunt/Lascaris, Turkey.
Agency: TBWA/Istanbul & TBWA/Hunt/Lascaris, Turkey.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Eisenbahn Strong Golden Ale "Urinal"
International Human Rights Day "Biscuit"
To commemorate International Human Rights Day, Amnesty International Hong Kong and other social groups organized a street exhibition to remind people of persisting human rights problems around the world, where enormous efforts have still to be made. A rope is used to hang the man in the biscuit pack. People who donate money to Amnesty International can purchase this at the exhibition, and then untie the rope to save the man from hanging. A small booklet attached lightheartedly suggests other uses of rope.
Agency: Grey, Hong Kong.
Agency: Grey, Hong Kong.

Monday, May 26, 2008
New Zealand Book Council.
New Zealand Book Council challenged them to find a fun new way to make books more accessible and to encourage people to fall in love with reading again. Because these days people spend far too much time in front of their computers working and not enough time reading books. They figured that surely people would rather read books than do work. So they decided to disquise books as every day office computer documents. And made them available to everyone on the internet. You can now read classics by Virginia Wolfe through to modern shortstories by local New Zealand authors on any computer, at any time, without anyone ever knowing. Especially at work, where your boss and co-workers will be none-the-wiser. And all these books are housed at our equally disquised online library, wich is designed to look idential to a Windows desktop. The initial responce has been overwhelming. More books are being uploaded by the day, and many authors and publication houses have expressed interest in helping the cause and reminding people of the joy and excitement that books can provide. And thankfully the backlash from bosses is yet to start. So make yourself look busy. Start reading a book.
Check the site here:
Read at work
Agency: Colenso BBDO Auckland, New Zealand.
Check the site here:
Agency: Colenso BBDO Auckland, New Zealand.

TV3 "Prison Break Soap"
Playing off a common way to duplicate keys in prison, they embedded a key imprint and the show's details into bars of soap. They were then placed in public bathrooms all around New Zealand, with the details side facing up. Upon washing their hands the user would discover the underside where a key impression was hidden.
Agency: Colenso BBDO Auckland, New Zealand.
Agency: Colenso BBDO Auckland, New Zealand.

Venus "Escalator"
Bring to life the smooth shave benefit of Gilette Venus in a unique way, using ambient as the medium. They built and installed a smooth giant leg in one of the busiest MRT stations in Singapore. Daily commuters in the country largest MRT station saw the instalation which gave the illusion that people holding the handrail were running there hands down the smooth leg, while the product was revealed on the handrail itself and on the banners nearby.
Agency: BBDO Guerrero Ortega, Philippines.
Agency: BBDO Guerrero Ortega, Philippines.

Luftal "Balloon"
Fiat Mille "Ice cube mold"
Fiat "Edible"
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
TV2 "Around the World in 80 Days"
Axe3 "Integrated campaign"
Axe 3 is a set of two deodorant whose fragrances called "1" and "2" work independently but, when mixed, create a third fragrance: Axe 3. This product proposition, novel from its very conception, required a high impact campaign to generate product trial and, at the same time, needed to be anchored in the territory of seduction (Axe's territory) while fundamentally not leaving any doubt regarding what the product was communicating: mixable fragrances. The campaign was thought out in such a way so that the consumer would receive the clear message that it's good to mix and that, when it comes to seduction, they could expect even better results. Each medium had as its base the mix of woman but approached from a specific angle, thereby managing to talk ownership of the world of combinations/mixes.
Agency: Vegaolmosponce, Argentina.
Agency: Vegaolmosponce, Argentina.

Friday, May 16, 2008
QUIT Anti Smoking Charity: X-Ray lungs
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Channel TEN/Big Brother 2008 "Bus stops"
To launch Big Brother 2008 on Network TEN Australia, they devised an idea using Bluetooth messaging that engaged a young tech-savvy audience via their mobile phones. They installed Bluetooth transmitters in over twenty high-traffic bus shelters around town. The transmitters automatically sent two anonymous text messages to anyone standing within range. The first message was tailored specifically to each location, whilst the second (sent 30-40 seconds later) was the reveal.
Agency: Marketforce Perth, Australia.
Agency: Marketforce Perth, Australia.

Mari Pettersson "Fresh Brain"
Mari Pettersson a fresh newcomer in freelancing, wanted to approach some creative directors by delivering them a small poly-wrapped meat tray containing 'a fresh brain' = his business card. The label was personalized for each person. Number under the barcode is his phone number. On this entry the name is not a real person.
Agency: Madinagoodway, New Zealand.
Agency: Madinagoodway, New Zealand. "Cardboard city"
With homelessness one of the hottest issues in the community, they has teamed up with and Mission Australia to create an arresting instalation in Sydney's Martin Place. Over 500 boxes were arranged in "streets" to create a cardboard city, drawing attention to the plight of Australia's 100,000 homeless. Passers by were urged to visit, and for every click on the site, donated 1 dollar to Mission Australia. The campaign was supported with outdoor, direct, and online, with the objective to raise 100,000 dollar in 30 days. The campaign was picked up by the media, along with dozens of websites,blogs and message boards. Within 48 hours, the target has been reached, and 100,000 dollar raised to help the homeless.
Agency: CumminsNitro, Australia.
Agency: CumminsNitro, Australia.

Thursday, May 08, 2008
Minerva Supplement "Bars"
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Birdy folding bike "Door"
By utilizing the property of the automatic door, cleverly demonstrate the easy folding feature of the bike. Translation: "Birdy folding bike".
Agency: DraftFCB Taipei, Taiwan.
Agency: DraftFCB Taipei, Taiwan.

LoJack "Needle"
To communicate the principal benefit of the system LoJack, the easy recovery of a stolen vehicle. "It is easier to find a needle in a hay-stack". From the above mentioned phrase a direct mail developed where this one took a literal form. With the help of a powerful magnet, to find a needle it is very easy. With LoJack's help one finds a stolen car also.
Agency: Leo Burnett, Colombia.
Agency: Leo Burnett, Colombia.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
SONY Corporate Image "Carbon Smart Travel"
Sony Australia has committed to offsetting all carbon emissions caused by their corporate travel. To celebrate this and their ongoing partnership with Landcare Australia, they created a living breathing grass car that was built from the ground up. The car was parked around various public locations in Sydney to highlight the importance of being a responsible corporate citizen and to encourage other organisations to follow suit.
Agency : Saatchi & Saatchi, Australia.
Agency : Saatchi & Saatchi, Australia.

WWF "Pencil"
Every day over 20 million half used pencils are thrown away because they are too short to write with. And tons of new pencils are munufactured at the cost of precious trees. They created a simple pencil extension (from recycled materials) that can fit on to any short pencil thus extending its life and the life of trees. Copy reads - Extend the life of a tree. Thousands of pencil extensions were handed out at a WWF activation - One Earth, One Future. They have become such a hit that the client is now contemplating a series of coloured collectible extensions.
Agency: JWT Jakarta, Indonesia.
Agency: JWT Jakarta, Indonesia.

Rumah Siput Foundation "Clap activated light Box"
To mark world deaf awareness day the Rumah Siput Foundation (An NGO that works with hearing impaired) wanted to invite people to a musical and spread the message that the most important thing that deaf children really need is a little encouragement and apprecation. To make people connect emotionally and demonstrate the power of their appreciation they wanted the idea to revolve around what is missing from the lives of these children - sound. They took a regular light box and made it sound sensitive. The sound of clapping has the power to light up the box and the children's faces. This simple innovative use of media across top malls in Jakarta helped the small NGO reach thousands of upper middle class urbanites and caught them by surprise in a location where they least expected a public service message. Return on investment was very high. It's a huge achievement for a deaf child to play music but at tenth of the cost of a single print insertion, they had a venue overflowing with an applauding audience.
Agency: JWT Jakarta, Indonesia.
Agency: JWT Jakarta, Indonesia.

The House Cafe "Tea for health"
The House Cafe is one of the coolest chains of restaurants in Istanbul. In terms of interior design, food design and music design... The customers are very hip and health-conscious people. The brief was to design packaging for herbal helath-tea and associate it with a healthy life style. They places cut-out images of people doing outdoor sports attached to the strings of their herbal tea-bags. These tea-bags were served at the House Cafés. But after the promotion, people wanted to by them to take home.
Agency: TBWA\Istanbul, Turkey.
Agency: TBWA\Istanbul, Turkey.

Lux Silk Nourishment "Shoes"
Woman, particulary Indonesian ones are very style obsessed. Lux wanted to remind them that silky skin the most indispensable fashion basic. They used the rough scaly bark of trees to dramatize dry legs by putting stylish, proportionately large shoes on them. The chic display of shoes stopped traffic in Jakarta's busiest business and shopping districts, and got Lux Silk Nourishment hundreds of free media impressions, including Cosmopolitan and Trans 7 Channel.
Agency: JWT Jakarta, Indonesia.
Agency: JWT Jakarta, Indonesia.

Monday, May 05, 2008
Fiat Punto "Elevator parking sensor"
Fiat Punto "Sunroof"
Neighbourhood Dance Works.
Neighbourhood Dance Works needed a quick and cost-effective way to get audiences excited about their upcoming Valentine’s Burlesque show. So hundreds of pasties were attached to parking meters in downtown St. John's giving passers-by a taste of what to expect. Hidden cameras recorded their reactions and a video was sent out virally just before the show. The results? The show was a complete sellout, news and photos of the pasties appeared in local papers, and every single one was stolen. Happy Valentine's, indeed.
Agency: Target St. John's, Canada.
Agency: Target St. John's, Canada.

Friday, May 02, 2008
Naldecon "Door stopper"
Chevrolet "An Invitation Of Applause"
Chevrolet "I need a new owner"
This mailing is sent to GM's database of Chevrolet owners, this repurchase mailing asks recipients to insert the CD in their car stereo and listen to their current Chevrolet's "recorded voice" (complete with personallized model of the registered vehicle). The recording then procedes to break up with their customers" "it's not you... it's me..." enticing them to find a new soulmate in a nearby Chevrolet Dealership.
Agency: Rapp Collins Bogotá, Colombia.
Agency: Rapp Collins Bogotá, Colombia.

Thursday, May 01, 2008
American Social Health Association "Dangers of Chlamydia"
To raise awareness about the dangers of Chlamydia and promote STD Month, ASHA has developed a Facebook application to spread the disease organicaly from person to person online. With the "MorphMonkey" application, users can "Make a Love Child" by morphing images of their own face with those of friends. However, the humor takes a different turn when the partner is notified that they have been infected with Chlamydia. At the same time, both users are invited to "spread it to beat it" by creating more love childeren with other friends and learn more about the STD on All Facebook users can participate in the campaign by downloading the MorphMonkey application on
Agency: Duval Guillaume New York, USA.
Agency: Duval Guillaume New York, USA.

Kofukan Therapy Center "Shiatsu"
One Second "Snow Canon"
Bring the One Second brand to life for consumers and emphasise the produtct's core characteristics: tiny mints that produce superior freshness. The One Second snow cannon. In Winter 2008, this artificial snow machine was installed on a temporary dry ski slope during an event One Second was sponsering in Ghent. In addition to getting the brand right into the heart of a big family event, attended by thousands, the One Second snow cannon also perfectly captured the brand's core promise: Superior Freshness.
Agency: Duval Guillaume, Belgium.
Agency: Duval Guillaume, Belgium.

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