Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Golden Bowling.
The challenge was to promote the new Golden Bowling among Tunesian youth. With hardly any budget. As they couldn't afford standard advertising and had to target Tunesian youth, they chose querilla marketing with a bit of provocation. They decided to convert a very noble ad serious institution, la Cité des Sciences into an ambassador for their bowling brand. La Cité des Sciences is placed in a student area and is situated near a motorway, thus receiving 500.000 eye contacts a day. They scotch-printed 3 holes on the globe so that the viewers could see a bowling ball. A logo of the brand and the adress were added. The activation is still recent but 2 TV channels & 5 newspapers have initiated a debate about advertising on public sites. Whatever the debate, it contributes to building the awareness of the Golden Bowling.
Agency: Memac Ogilvy Label, Tunesia.
Agency: Memac Ogilvy Label, Tunesia.

Liu Shuang "Acupuncture"
To communicate in a very low cost way their client's Acupuncture Services, to the general public in general and Western Expatriates in particular. The latter are increasingly switching to alternative medicines and therapy. They created this small poster wich they posted on notice boards of Supermarkets and Coffee shops frequented by Western Expatriates. The big idea here was, they used tacks like Acupuncture needles to hold the poster in place. By doing so, they converted this simple poster into a demonstration of Acunpuncture. During the month when these small posters ran, bookings for our client's Acupuncture services increased by 27%.
Agency: The Classic Partnership Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Agency: The Classic Partnership Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

SHARP "The Fridge"
ISHR "Frameposter"
timesjobs.com "CV"
www.timejobs.com, one of the most dependable jobs portals in India, provides free job assistance to the aspiring candidates. It also offers "Magic Resume", a paid proffesional resume building service specially designed for freshers and less experienced people. Ironically, there is a huge registered user base with its free job-assistance service, but very few opt for the paid resume building service. Their task was to popularize the service among the registered user base as well as new user conversions by stressing the importance of building a perfect resume. In this downturn, a better resume is crucial as jobs are few and far between. On the basis of this core thought they decided to use the most common element of a recruitment process - A Curriculum Vitae, as a communication device and flat mailing as the communication strategy. CV of unequivocally talented international achievers from diverse fields (APJ Abdul Kalam, Barrack Obama, Stephen Hawking, Dr Manmohan Singh, Oprah Winfrey and Indra Nooyi) were mailed by post to TG with the message at the end of each CV - "Until your CV looks like this, use timejobs.com-Magic Resume". More than 90% of the existing user base targeted, registered for the service along with more than 75% new user conversions. The "Magic Resume" info space on the portal got around 1,15000 hits in a month's period. But equally important was the word of mouth publicity that the service got from sending these CV's as it was shared by the recipients with their friends, they were pinned to office boards and did the rounds in corporate circles across India.
Agency: Mudra Communications Mumbai, India.
Agency: Mudra Communications Mumbai, India.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ecobility "One bulb at the time"
With its unprecedented growth, the UAE has the highest energy consumption levels in the world. At the risk of making an irreversible negative impact on the environment, it was time for someone to take action. Ecobility needed to lead by example in every way if they were to fulfil their goal of having at least one Illume bulb in use in 1,000,000 houses in the UAE by 2009. From its energy saving function through to the materials they used in packaging it, they carefully planned each step in the creation of Illume to reduce the size of our carbon footprint. They made sure that Illume’s packaging was made from recycled paper and recyclable plastics. They even took the time to test which packaging dimensions allowed for more efficient shipment. In these ways, they showed Ecobility’s sincere commitment to saving the environment. Since its launch in November 16, 2008, more than 120,000 Illume bulbs have been sold. The latest to make the switch is the Starwood Hotels, saving them up to 1,000,000 KWH in electricity.
Agency: Y&R Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Agency: Y&R Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Zohra Mouhetta "Lose Your Belly"
The brief was to design a business card for fitness trainer Zohra Mouhetta. To stand out from all the leave-behinds people receive every day, they designed a unique, foldable business card that invites the recipient to interact with it. In a world of standardized and formatted business cards, Zohra’s card stood out and made for a memorable hand out. Its design not only complemented her profession, but also demonstrated the effectiveness of her personal training programmes by inviting the recipient to tear off excess flab. Though exact response rates were not available at the time of this submission, the number of enquiries and sign-ups, including corporate clients, increased substantially within a month.
Agency: Leo Burnett Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Agency: Leo Burnett Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

ACDelco "The book of YES"
ACDelco is the world’s largest car parts brand. An integrated campaign launched their new CAN DO attitude based on their promise: Yes, all cars, models & quality parts. Every employee had to fully understand this new philosophy. Everyone from manager to mechanic had to get inspired to live the new positive spirit. ACDelco handed out the book of YES to every employee – the fun version of a mission statement. The book of YES was small enough to fit into everyone’s pocket – from mechanic to manager. The book was fun and colorful and conveyed the new philosophy in an easy to grasp way for everyone. It was an easy-going manual for a new company spirit. ACDelco stated that the book of YES was a success. It fuelled an internal excitement and optimism that turned a year of recession into ACDelco’s most successful year in history with a sales increase of 28%.
Agency: Memac Ogilvy Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Agency: Memac Ogilvy Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Microsoft "Get a better view"
Microsoft Dynamics is a line of business software that helps integrate different departments and functions of a company onto a single-page interface. To pitch this product to businesses in the UAE, Microsoft wanted to send IT Managers communication that could demonstrate the properties of this software, and convince business decision-makers to call back and find out more about it. They based their idea on the insight that Microsoft Dynamics is something that can actually give you an overview of the office. It’s a product that helps you see exactly what’s going on in every department. So they gave IT Managers a box with a real wooden stool inside. The top of the stool had the entire message printed on it. And told them exactly how getting Microsoft Dynamics would help them ‘get an overview of the office.’ Until then, they could use the stool to do it instead. The whole product benefit is about getting a complete view. Their idea very strongly demonstrated how IT mangers could achieve this in a simple way – with the stool or with Microsoft Dynamics. It was a great giveaway as well because it was something that could be used around the office and with the message on top of it, the dynamics message would always be reiterated. The idea stood out from the clutter and surprised many of the recipients as they weren’t used to such communication. The stool became something handy to have around the office –and Microsoft got a record 34 enquiries out of 150 pieces sent.
Agency: Wunderman Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Agency: Wunderman Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Kheda Kasra.
To raise awareness on gender inequality in the Lebanese society. Several words in Arabic are written and said in the masculine format until a “kasra” accent is used under them to address the women too. A call for action also asks women to make it a habit to use the “kasra” to bring about gender equality. Using a “kasra” accent on words is a way to address them to women. To reach the country geographically and all women demographically, a moving interactive billboard as well as posters were set up, displaying words without an accent. Stickers were distributed, in rural and upscale areas, to engage the public and physically get them involved. TheyLebanon wanted to get people to literally take the “kasra” accent, place it under the big word, and “take the habit of getting things moving”. Wherever the big word and empty “kasra “was transported, it received an excited gathering. People would step up to physically change the word by adding their “kasra”, and contributing side by side to the bigger picture. As for the posters, none were left without a filled in “kasra”, whether with a sticker or by other creative means. The meaning behind literally changing the word empowered them to actually change their reality with their own hands.
Agency: Leo Burnett Beirut, Lebanon.
Agency: Leo Burnett Beirut, Lebanon.

HEP " Attitude Donation Box"
With such a small population of 4,000,000 people in Lebanon, there are 108,000 declared infected with Hepatitis B&C. The NGO Hep Attitude Positive wanted to run a fundraising campaign to encourage people to donate money, to those who need medication and cannot afford it. With a limited budget. Every 10 seconds someone dies from Hepatitis B&C. Stop the clock. Save a life. The Hep Attitude Positive Donation Machine was especially designed and built for the NGO. A machine with a digital inbuilt clock constantly restarting every 10 seconds and every time the 10 seconds are up, a person dies. But when money is donated it automatically resets the clock (regardless of which second it is at), hence saving someone’s life. This digital donation box was placed in the different outlets across the city. After two months of the placement of the machine, they collected 250,000 dollars, a 70% increase in funds from last year.
Agency: JWT Beirut, Lebanon.
Agency: JWT Beirut, Lebanon.

Monday, April 27, 2009
Australian Childhood Foundation.
Provoking street campaign which can be seen right now in Melbourne for the Australian Childhood Foundation. For their ongoing campaign Stop Child Abuse Now they used child size mannequins to represent children suffering neglect. The mannequins were placed in high traffic locations around the city and then a billposter was pasted over the top of the figure so only the feet and legs could be seen. Words on the poster read, “Neglected Children are made to feel invisible.”
Agency: JWT Melbourne, Australia.
Agency: JWT Melbourne, Australia.

A Weekend Murder Scene.
Summer is a season of volatile TV ratings. How do they promote their show "Weekend Murders" when everyone's at the beach? Follow them there... and murder them. They gave out pool-of-blood shaped beach towels so that when people lay on them, they looked murdered. Weekend Murders proved to be Prime's second biggest rating show of the summer. After the mass murder scene at beach, ratings increased by 258%.
Agency: DraftFCB Auckland, New Zealand.
Agency: DraftFCB Auckland, New Zealand.

Friday, April 24, 2009
Zoo Safari "Take a peek"
To communicate that Zoo Safari is not a common zoo, because the animals run free just like in a safari, they created electrostatic stickers containing animal pictures. These stickers can be placed on the windshield of parked cars to make the visitor imagine what it would feel like to be so close to a wild animal. Text: "up-close, no cages. More fun". The image shown on the stickers reproduced in real life size proportions the face of an animal taking a peek inside the car.
Agency: DDB, Brazil.
Agency: DDB, Brazil.

Museum Of Sex New York "Balloons"
Instead of using traditional flyers, they distributed balloons to promote an upcoming exhibition entitled "Exploring the pleasure of Oral Sex". Once you blow into the balloon, you should be able to read the deatails of the exihibition and it should also bring a smile to your face.
Agency: Lowe New York, USA.
Agency: Lowe New York, USA.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Garnier Pure Pen "Ticket"
The Garnier Pure Pen is a quick-fix solution for blemishes and pimples. A creative rendition that's in your face! They targeted bus routes going to colleges and printed the model's face on the back of bus tickets. When the ticket collector punched the ticket, it appeared as if the model's face at the back had got a real blemish. The message: Garnier Pure - Zap blemishes away!
Agency: Publicis Mumbai, India.
Agency: Publicis Mumbai, India.

Pantene "Door Handle"
Pantene makes a promise of strong hair. A poster with a real plait hanging from the back of a head was stuck on the doors of malls, supermarkets and beauty salons. The plait served as the door handle and each time patrons ‘pulled’ the hair handle, the core benefit of Pantene was communicated in an interesting manner.
Agency: Grey Worldwide Mumbai, India.
Agency: Grey Worldwide Mumbai, India.

JWT New York "Intern shirts"
JWT New York had a grueling 10-week summer internship for creatives. They were given daily projects and made to work long hours and weekends. To prepare them for the intense experience, they were given t-shirts with silkscreen-printed sweat stains and rips that resembled whip marks. "No interns were actualy harmed. Honest."
Agency: JWT New York, USA.
Agency: JWT New York, USA.

Vitasprint B12 "The world's toughest pairs game"
Vitasprint B12 is the only product with three synchronized active ingredients that help enhance nerves, brain and cellular metabolism. They were briefed to illustrate the positive effects Vitasprint B12 has on ones brain power. They created a seemingly ordinary pairs game that is to be distributed among Germany's pharmacists. At a closer look, however, it soon becomes clear that the matching pairs are extremely hard to find because the images show only minimal differences. This game obviously requires extraordinary power of concentration and mental performance. The Vitasprint field force reported: extended but cheerful visits, lots of spinning pharmacists' heads and the certainty that Vitasprint B12 is definitely at the top of pharmacists' minds again.
Agency: Grey Group / G2 Hamburg, Germany.
Agency: Grey Group / G2 Hamburg, Germany.

Not For Sale "Sales receipt"
In my country, a day's work couldn't get you anything more than a ride into town. So when I was promised an education in exchange for work in the fields, I felt lucky. No one in my family had ever been to school. And by the time I saw them again, I hadn't either. I worked 14 hours a day. 472 days in a row. For a man who beat me if I didn't. And the only thing I learned was that slavery still happens.

A receipt would mean a paper trail. And then someone would know I was sold. To three men one day while my sister was at work. For half a month's rent, her boyfriend let them take me. I was 13. They beat me. So I would understand who was boss. And they raped me. So I would understand my job. Sex sells. I'm living proof. But the only receipt is the body I wish I no longer had.

They were selling the American dream. And I bought it. They said I would live with a nice family in New Jersey. That I would go to school and help take care of their kids. Instead, I was kept in a room with 5 other girls. And sold for sex to anyone who would pay. I should have known better than to believe what they said. My grandmother went to Auschwitz. They said she was going to take a shower.
Agency: Martin Williams Minneapolis, USA.

A receipt would mean a paper trail. And then someone would know I was sold. To three men one day while my sister was at work. For half a month's rent, her boyfriend let them take me. I was 13. They beat me. So I would understand who was boss. And they raped me. So I would understand my job. Sex sells. I'm living proof. But the only receipt is the body I wish I no longer had.

They were selling the American dream. And I bought it. They said I would live with a nice family in New Jersey. That I would go to school and help take care of their kids. Instead, I was kept in a room with 5 other girls. And sold for sex to anyone who would pay. I should have known better than to believe what they said. My grandmother went to Auschwitz. They said she was going to take a shower.
Agency: Martin Williams Minneapolis, USA.

KMCV "Hand"
Lend a hand, let them hold on to life! Do you know that you can change a child’s life by a small movement of your hand? Sending a text message by sparing only two minutes of your time will contribute to transform the life of a child in need of protection to a secure one and to give him a chance of a good education. Change the future.
Agency: Magma Istanbul, Turkey.
Agency: Magma Istanbul, Turkey.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Zwitsal Zonnebrandweer “Sunburn fire brigade”
It seems quite logical that the sun doesn’t just shine on the beach. Still, a lot of parents fail to protect their kids’ skin when they take them somewhere else, like the park or the nearby playground. Zwitsal, Holland’s leading skin care brand for children, wants to address this problem. Especially as it supports our country’s most important cancer research fund KWF and has learned that 30% of Dutch children suffer from sunburn at least once a year, which greatly increases the risk of getting skin cancer at a later age. They introduced a special fire brigade that fights sunburn: the ‘Zwitsal Zonnebrandweer’ (a combination of the Dutch words for sunburn and fire brigade, zonnebrand and brandweer). Its task is to respond to sunny conditions and a high UV index, by driving to ‘hazardous areas’ and informing parents and kids about the importance of protecting their skin. Apart from that the fire truck is equipped with enough sunscreen to prevent possible emergencies and appeals to children of all ages.
Agency: Only Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Agency: Only Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Post-it Super Sticky Notes "Perpetual calendar"
CitiTowing "You never know"
They want drivers whose cars have broken down to call CitiTowing first. People don't think that breaking down will happen to them, but the simple truth is that anyone can end up having a broken down car. And usually when their car is broken down, they don't know which emergency towing service number to call. They towed mobile billboards behind pickup trucks. Then they parked them on the side of the road in high traffic areas during rush hour. Then they opened the bonnets and with the help of pyrotechnics and smoke bombs, they staged that the pickups had broken down and by doing so convinced drivers that if the vehicles towing the billboards could break down unexpectedly, so could theirs. Do you have the number of an emergency towing service in your phone?
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.

Green Belgium/World Water Day "Letter"
Children’s speech therapist "Lost letters"
To promote a children's speech therapist consultant with a limited budget. On the playgrounds in the area of the speech therapist office, they left hundreds of "lost letters". Each letter had a sign "We'll help your child to find all the lost letters" and the docter's phone number on it. When children found these letters they brought them to their parents together with their message. The number of the docter's visitors increased by 15%. Some of them came with the found letters, wich were put back on the playgrounds.
Agency: Adventa Lowe Kiev, Ukraine.
Agency: Adventa Lowe Kiev, Ukraine.

Monday, April 20, 2009
Lancia Delta 200HP Introduction.
In april 2009 the new Lancia Delta with a green but extreme powerful 1.8 litre Biturbo 200HP engine will be launched. Communicate this in a non-conventional way with just as much power, for the stylish brand Lancia. Experience the extreme power of the new Lancia Delta 200HP by physically showing more than 200 horses. For about an hour 200 horses showed up in the city of Amsterdam as a huge cavalry. All the horses were Lancia branded. Three Lancia Deltas were hidden in the cavalry and revealed on the Rai Square. This is were the biggest car event in The Netherlands attracts many car enthusiasts every year.
Agency: Arc Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Agency: Arc Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Ken Starck Painting Company "Dry Paint"
In this guerilla-style campaign Ken Starck Painting Company offered their professional services. 200 notes were put up at well-chosen locations in Stockholm, encouraging people to consider repainting this spring. The copy has been translated to english since this was a swedish, local campaign.
Agency: ESTER Stockholm, Sweden.
Agency: ESTER Stockholm, Sweden.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
True Blood "Wooden Stake Posters"
Eukanuba "Fetch"
Convince people that Eukanuba is good for brain development and function. Eukanuba contains an optimal balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fats. One of the main benefits of these is that they help with brain development and function. So really, Eukanuba dogs are not only healthier and shinier. They are also smarter. But they don't just want to say that Eukanuba dogs are smarter. They want to show it. They found five well-trained dogs. Some pretty and some less pretty. And then they spent some time training them to carry Eukanuba bags around in their mouths. Once they had perfected this task, we took them to busy shopping centres and trained them to walk between two established points. The reactions were exactly what they hoped for.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.

Peugeot 308 "Couch"
The Peugeot 308 is 95% recyclable! Nowadays, this sort of thing is very important to people who by cars. That is, until they have to pay a little bit more. Then, usually, it's not that important anymore. Why? because when you by a car that's 95% recyclable, there's no direct benefit to you. And when times are tough, as they are now, you don't care too much for buying something that doesn't change your life here and now. So there challenge was to do more than just tell people our car is 95% recyclable. They also had to convince people that buying a recyclable car is the right thing to do. They disigned and made a range of useful and beautiful things using only Peugeot 308 parts. They started with couches. They were placed in shopping malls, dealerships and public parks. On each couch they placed a small plaque with a message that reminded us how unimportant "now and here" really is.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.

Makita drills "20.562 holes"
Convince people that Makita drills are high-precision power tools. Can one power drill be more precise than another? Yes. Makita drills are ergonomically designed to fit perfectly in any hand. They rotate at an optimal speed to minimise vibration. And they have a "shock buffer" system that ensures the perfect pressure of the drill bit point on any surface. So really, a Makita drill goes exactly where you want it to. they drilled over 20.000 holes into a wall to create a huge black and white image of, well, a Makita drill. To create the correct tones, the distances between the holes had to be very carefully calculated.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.

Unicef "Book Of Days"
Get people to donate the R20 (2 Dollar) needed to feed a starving child 3 nutritious meals. There are two major issues. Firstly people don't know who to give their money to (in recent years hundreds of ineffective and fraudulent "welfare" organisations have popped up). Secondly, most of the time these people are being asked for donations in a brash and manipulated manner, leaving them on a quilt trip even after they have donated. They created a kineograph (the fancy word for "flip book") called "The Book Of Days". The book is designed to animate a child doing what healthy children do best - play. It starts with a few pages of an already completed character. However, most of the characters on the 365 pages is very light and almost not visible. Each page asks the reader to donate R20 to the Unicef SMS line, and to then trace one of the animations, and in doing so, see their child "live" for another day. To help the reader connect with the caracter in the book, they asked little children to tell them why people should help other people. The opposite page of each drawing holds their handwritten and insightful answers, each one more convincing than any copywriter could ever be. These books were placed in coffee shops, hotels and airline lounges.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Johannesburg, South Africa.

Thursday, April 09, 2009
Pershing / Luxury motoryacht "World Moving Ideas"
There is neither a starting point, or an ending point. Ideas have always existed, and they always will. Each invention gives life to a future one. Great ideas are living among us, they just have to pause, look, touch and transform them into the next invention. This is the insight that has inspired the 2009 Pershing calendar "World Moving Ideas" and its celebration of the power of ideas. The calendar presents 12 universally known objects and shows how many of the things that surround us today exist on account of important inventions in the past. Every object includes a description of the original idea that led to its invention, plus, of course, a month of the year 2009. Produced in a limited edition, the calendar has been sent to Pershing customers, prospects and opinion leaders.
Agency: AdmCom, Italy.
Agency: AdmCom, Italy.

MTV "Eat this ad"
To publicize the MTV Young Universe Brief on the theme of sustainability, they created a totally sustainable ad: in edible paper. Fot this action we also created a website www.comaestenuncio.com.br. Wich offered a promotion inviting people to send in their recipes using the edible paper as an ingredient. A famous chef was invited to create the first dish and invite people to take part in the promotion. There were thousands of hits and hundreds of recipes and the best won an invitation to the award ceremony of the Brazilian Video Music Awards. The edible paper aroused so much curiosity that it even made the news programs. An incalculable amount of nationwide spontaneous media was achieved for the brand. This brief event was a huge success and attracted a massive market presence.
Agency: Loducca São Paulo, Brazil.
Agency: Loducca São Paulo, Brazil.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Solo "Bib"
Alarming new statistics show that the line between man and ladyman has never been blurrier. Men are now spending more time shopping, going to day spas, talking about their feelings, and worst of all - even waxing their chests. And it's not just the average man on the street that's undergoing this evil transformation, even our favourite sporting heroes have fallen victim. But thanks to our friends at Solo, the real man thirst crusher, help is on the way. Now, every sports supporter can beat their chest in true man style with the Solo Man Bib. Designed exclusively for the Australian international Twenty/20 cricket series, the Solo Man Bib helped "mansform" supporters from all teams into pectoral pounding hirsute man beasts. As well as being the must-have accessory for all supporters. the Solo Man Bib was also the official uniform for the hordes of fans competing in the world's first Chest Test a unique sports event that put man against beast in the ultimate fight to the death (well, hiccups) in a Solo sculling competition.
Agency: Lifelounge Melbourne, Australia.
Agency: Lifelounge Melbourne, Australia.

Monday, April 06, 2009
Gillette "Fenomen Blogger Project"
Demonstrate that Gillette Fusion Power Phenom's shave has the most comfortable feeling ever among all Gillette experiences and deliver this feeling to their target audience. Gillette Fusion Power Phenom Kit have been sent to 86 bloggers which are the most popular, and wanted them to post this question's answer to their blogs in any way they want (video, copy or picture); "What did you think while you were shaving with Gillette Fusion Power Phenom?" Because, shaving with Gillette Fusion is so comfortable that you could think of something else while shaving. The most creative answer won a laptop.
The project reached 1.295.745 total unique visitors (bases on total unique visitors of blogs).
Agency: Proximity Istanbul, Turkey.
The project reached 1.295.745 total unique visitors (bases on total unique visitors of blogs).
Agency: Proximity Istanbul, Turkey.

WWF "Coins"
Mizbala "Unconventional Stationery"
Mizbala is an Israeli based creative agency that specializes in creating unconventional campaigns such as Guerrilla & Experiential marketing for her clients. Biz card: The basic premise of their ideology is that "there is room for everyone". In order to demonstrate it, they chose to advertise other Israeli advertising agencies on the back of their business card. Each employee has different contacts. Invoice: Their huge A3 invoice serves as an everyday motivating reminder to their clients. It's their way of saying 'Don't be afraid to think BIG'. Stamp: Unconventional means different, so in order to say out load that they try their best to think differently, their corporate stamp imprints "NOT KOSHER" on every official document.
Agency: Mizbala, Tel-Aviv Yafo, Israel.
Agency: Mizbala, Tel-Aviv Yafo, Israel.

Thursday, April 02, 2009
Unicef Finland "Mom"
Unicef Finland wanted to raise awareness for childrens' rights and raise funds with a minium cost. They also wanted to reinforce their position as an organization dedicated specifically to childrens' welfare. There are over 145 million orphaned or abandoned children all around the world. "By supporting Unicef anyone can be a mother to them, just a moment" To provoke and create discussion they started by abandoning sound-equipped (crying) baby strollers in 14 cities. Inside the stroller was a note with the message: "Thank you for caring, we hope there is more people like you. Unicef Be a mom for a moment". Media and public reaction was overwhelming. They flooded all the major TV, radio and web news. Estimated media reach was over 80% of Finnish population after 2 days.
Agency: Taivas Helsinki, Finland.
Agency: Taivas Helsinki, Finland.

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