To make smokers aware of the high risk of cancer that they face. A basic cigarette manufacturer's survey from, the kind they use before they introduce a new ciggarette brand, will be handed out to smokers at ciggarette shops, pubs, discos and bars. Asking them their preferences, through a series of smoking related questions. The twist is the fact that there is another form directly under the survey form wich is a medical report. The answers on the survey form get inprinted onto the medical form by the virtue of the paper used a smoker's form wich happens to be carbon less sheet. So any smoker who will fill this form unknowingly will be filling his own cancer report. After wich they hand it over to the respondent. Most of the people were shocked when they saw the cancer report in front of them. Especially when they noticed their own signature on the report. Some got irritated but at the same time the report made them think that it can happen to them.
Agency: Grey Worldwide, India.