Monday, December 17, 2007

IBM "The number two inventor seeks out the best new talent"

IBM became world champion patent holder for the thirteenth time in a row. No other company is more innovative. To keep it this way, IBM is only lokking for the best new recruits. At the Cologne "Consulting Days", the top recruitment fair in the sector, the patent documents were placed precisely where they could also be experienced, e.g. the "gravity" patent in the conference hotel's lift. The graduates were left in no doubt: when it comes to innovation, IBM is the place to be. Only nature has more patents than IBM. Her inventions are presented on fictitious patent documents - with the information that IBM is just behind at number two. The results of the campaign: the recruitment appointments for the whole weekend were all taken up within the first few hours of the career fair.

Agency: Ogilvy Frankfurt, Germany.