Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Christmas!
I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a great New Year. Thank you all for visiting Directdaily this year. Cheers!

Spices Restaurant "The Parked Flying Carpet"
The Spices is a restaurant at the Hilton Colombo wich has various food promotions from time to time. The trick is to catch the attention of everyone coming in to the Hilton, with very little spending. Having a parked flying carpet, at the Hilton car park was a perfect way of telling them a Middle Eastern food promotion was at the Spices. The Restaurant was rewarded with more than twice the number of customers targeted.
Agency: Leo Burnett, Colombo.
Agency: Leo Burnett, Colombo.

Naga DDB created “Waterworld” for Regional Environmental Awareness and to take attention for global warming.
Agency: Naga DDB, Malaysia.
Agency: Naga DDB, Malaysia.

Ecover "Soft T-Shirt"
Ecover, supplier of ecological detergents and fabric softeners, this year appropriately sponsored the 10th edition of Laundry Day in Antwerp. Laundry Day is a young fashion and music festival that has grown from a tiny streetparty in the Kammenstraat into a huge city-festival hosting over 60 dj's on 't Eilandje. 10 Advertising was responsible for the original "Ecover, softens your clothes"-campaign in wich a bad-ass biker wears a shirt on wich the famous AC/DC-logo has been softened into "AB/BA". Limited edition t-shirts were distributed for free to the festival audience on Saterday September 1st and ran out of stock fast.
Agency: 10 Advertising Antwerp, Belgium.
Agency: 10 Advertising Antwerp, Belgium.

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Radio Energy "G-strings"
In the run-up for the Swiss Robbie Williams concert, the radio station "Energy Zurich" gave away G-strings among the female Robbie fans, with an imprint of the radio station logo. Always in a double pack: one to wear and one to throw on stage. The present was a success. As well for the fans as for Robbie Williams. During the show a G-string ended up flying up on stage, Robbie spontaneously integrated it in his show. Next day, the picture of Robbie Williams with the G-string from Radio Endergy in his hand was in all the big media: the news on TV as well as on the front pages of all Swiss newspapers. No young radio station could wish for a better advertiser.
Agency: Ruf Lanz Zurich, Switzerland.
Agency: Ruf Lanz Zurich, Switzerland.

Friday, December 21, 2007
Belgacom "Pirates of the Caribbean"
The movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" will soon be on Belgacom TV. That's the message the digital pay-TV channel wanted to spread to the public. Pirates used to execute prisoners by having them walk off the gangboard. So they placed a "Pirates of the Caribbean" sticker on the diving boards of swimming pools, communicating that the movie will soon be on Belgacom TV. Main target group for Belgacom TV are families with childeren. It is obvious that families with childeren often visit swimming pools. The communication grabbed the attention of all people diving off the board. In many swimming pools, the sticker became an attraction in itself.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.

Condooms.com "Promotional Campaign"
Condooms.com is an online site selling... condoms. Trying to tackle the issues differently, a global positioning "Use it or get used to it" had to convince boys/men from 18 to 35 yrs old to use condoms and to buy them at Condooms.com. Their aim was to get as many email addresses from their target market as possible. In order to do so, they used online, oofline and mobile advertising. The campaign was launched by offline direct mails sent to a bought, offline database of single men aged 18 to 35. The direct mail consisted of a birth announcement card with their name on it. So for one horrifying second they imagined they had a newborn baby coming their way! Until the flipped the card and read: "Condooms.com. Use it or get used to it" Their next campaign was a viral or "member-gets-member" campaign. They invited visitors to go to www.shehasyoureyes.com. On the site, people could see three film featuring three different girls. They could select a girl and send her little film to a friend. The film shows the girl talking about the fantastic night they once spent together and also the beatiful baby that came from it. The tagline finally reads "Condooms.com. Use it or get used to it". The adresses they obtained in this way, led to futher off/online actions. offline, we sent a lawyer letter to their database regarding a Spanish woman claiming child support for the baby they have together. The back of the letter reads: "Condooms.com. Use it or get used to it". Online they invited people to surf to www.sayhellotodaddy.com and fill out the name and phone number of a friend. This friend will then recieve a phone call from a cute baby toddler asking to say hello to daddy, followed by an SMS saying "Condooms.com. Use it or get used to it".
The result was amazing. Traffic to the website increased by 165% and Condooms.com obtained thousands of email addresses and phone numbers of potential clients. A number of worldwide blogs talked about the idea, wich helped to get the site known all over the world.
Agency: Happiness Brussels, Belgium.
The result was amazing. Traffic to the website increased by 165% and Condooms.com obtained thousands of email addresses and phone numbers of potential clients. A number of worldwide blogs talked about the idea, wich helped to get the site known all over the world.
Agency: Happiness Brussels, Belgium.

DACIA "The precise price comparison"
A complete estate car for the regular price of EUR 8,400. No other brand can compete with Renault's subsidiary brand DACIA when it comes to the price. The task was to demonstrate this in an obvious way at places where the target group mekes decisions about spending money. Precise price comparisons are the campaign's core element, whereever the campaign takes place. At the POS, special films for the in-store marketing show competitors estate cars for the equivalent price. In shopping areas the outdoor promotion compares the price of a DACIA to those of luxury goods. Internet teaser films prove how much car you can normally expect for EUR 8,400. And online banners compare the price on second-hand car pages. The number of visits to the DACIA website during the launch camppaign from 23 December 2006 to 31 March 2007 was then times higher than usual: 560,260 visits to the DACIA website generated 41,283 leads. That's an incredible conversion rate of 7,4%. All in all the DACIA launch resulted in 8,315 cars sold within the first three months. The original aim of 6,000 cars sold for the whole of 2007 was inmmediately changed to 13,000 cars.
Agency: Nordpol+Hamburg, Germany.
Agency: Nordpol+Hamburg, Germany.

Samsung "Blush"
Research showed that girls aged 18-24 had previously been ignored by mobile marketers. Seeing this opportunity, their strategy was so appeal to these females who were more concerned with fashion than features. Their idea was to make the x830 this season's must-have accessory: "The only compact a girl needs". First they changed the x830 from cellphone grey to fminine pink - and then changed the name from x830 to a more female-friendly "Blush". They then partnered with Benefit Cosmetics - the brand of the moment for this target market - and offered a 50 Pond Sterling Benefits Cosmetics gift pack to the first 10,000 purchasers.
Agency: ARC Worldwide London, United Kingdom.
Agency: ARC Worldwide London, United Kingdom.

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Campbell's Soup "Hunger installation"
In a grocery store 4,820 canns of Campbell's Soup were used to build an installation piece that spelled HUNGER. Signoge beside the piece encouraged shoppers to buy one and donate it to their local food bank. As shoppers bought cans from the display the word HUNGER slowly disappeared. This allowed people to see how their individual effort could help bring an end to the problem of hunger.
Agency: Leo Burnett Toronto, Canada.
Agency: Leo Burnett Toronto, Canada.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
TALLY WEiL "Guerilla Spray Promotion"
The objective was to convince people that TALLY WEiJL makes sexy people totally sexy and to promote the current InStore Promotion of the microsite www.wemakesexytotallysexy.com. Further TALLY WEiJL intended to push forward their new campaign in front of competitor retail shops to link people to the TALLY WEiJL Shops. Additionally to the nationwide out – of – home media planning, made by Bliss communication as well, they introduced a guerrilla promotion bases on branding people with a sprayed logo of the microsite on their clothing. Two totally sexy promotion girls and a cute guy in a pink rabbit disguise were booked in Berlin, Cologne, Basel and Zurich to invite people becoming totally sexy. The rabbit had a huge sign with the logo of the website and started chatting to people. The sexy promotion girls did the actual spraying and a little movie of the action, which was later published on the website. As a personal motivation every participant got 20 % off vouchers for their next shopping at TALLY WEiJL. Within in 2 days more than 200 people in these cities were excited of becoming part of the promotion and actually allowed the promotion team to spray their clothes. The website contains almost 300 self made movies including the ones which were shot by the teams. People can buy a spraycan set including a shirt in stores now for participating on this project.
Agency: Bliss, Germany.

Agency: Bliss, Germany.

Smart "Ticket"
Agent Provocateur Lingerie "Cheeky Copies"
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Becherovka "get closer" bench.
Society for People's Action for Development "Aids Countdown"
Spad (society for people's Action for Development) a Bangalore-based NGO, deals with sexual health and HIV/AIDS issues. To support their AIDS awareness endeavour, this poster propogated one simple message - Condoms prevent HIV/AIDS. This 3-D poster announces the projected HIV population for 2007 on individual packs of condoms, playing the dual role of a dispencer. Since the condoms are stacked in descending order, every time someone dispences a pack, the population automatically goes down. When all the condoms are dispensed, the eventual figure becomes zero. This poster was available to vulnerable audiences across Bangalore in colleges, nightclubs and malls.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Bangalore, India.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Bangalore, India.

Ford "Red"
Outside the box: The car you would love to have... Inside the box: Is the one that the rest would desire. Red stripes mean protection against envy (a popular belief in Latin American countries)
Agency: Wunderman Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Agency: Wunderman Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Monday, December 17, 2007
Burger King "Whopper Freakout"
Nice work by Crispin Porter + Bogusky for Burger King, called the “Whopper Freakout”. They hired the dude from the show “Oblivious” and pretended that the Whopper was no longer available. Instead they would give out Wendy’s burgers, Big Macs etc. Watch the customers, as they “freak out”.
Watch the video here:
Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky, USA.
Watch the video here:
Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky, USA.

Delete! is an installation by austrian artists Christoph Steinbrener & Rainer Dempf. For two weeks advertising signs, slogans, pictograms, company names and logos in a Viennese shopping street was covered in monochrome yellow.

IBM "The number two inventor seeks out the best new talent"
IBM became world champion patent holder for the thirteenth time in a row. No other company is more innovative. To keep it this way, IBM is only lokking for the best new recruits. At the Cologne "Consulting Days", the top recruitment fair in the sector, the patent documents were placed precisely where they could also be experienced, e.g. the "gravity" patent in the conference hotel's lift. The graduates were left in no doubt: when it comes to innovation, IBM is the place to be. Only nature has more patents than IBM. Her inventions are presented on fictitious patent documents - with the information that IBM is just behind at number two. The results of the campaign: the recruitment appointments for the whole weekend were all taken up within the first few hours of the career fair.
Agency: Ogilvy Frankfurt, Germany.
Agency: Ogilvy Frankfurt, Germany.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Playstation God of War II Activation.
To launch the new God of War II game an e-mail competition was created to give hard core gamers the change to get the first copy of the game they've been waiting for. Step 1: All PS2 and PSP owners receive an e-mail message with the God of War II logo as an invitation to click and win. Step 2: A click brings them to a webpage with a picture of Athena, the goddess of war. The text reads: "The Oracle decides over the destiny of Athena, The Goddess of War. Print this page and find out if the Gods are on your side. Perhaps you'll be rewarded with a God of War II price". Step 3: This platform coverted the print command in two different print results. When the print is launched from the recipient's pc the image of Athena remains on the screen. But what comes out of the printer, is quite different. The winners: They get the message "Congratulations! The Gods have granted you the joy of eternal gaming. You win a God of War II Game!" The losers: In 99% of the cases, however it is the decapitated and heavily mutilated head of the goddess with the message " Too bad. The Gods have decided otherwise".
Agency: TBWA\ Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: TBWA\ Brussels, Belgium.

Filling station by Saab.
In order to support the launch of Saab's BioPower-technolgy in Switzerland, the discussion about alternative fuels for automotive mobility should be boosted. Wood piles, located in forests nearby bigger cities, have been transformed into "filling stations" for Saab cars powered by bioethanol fuel. The resulting irritation has been cleared by an information-board explaining the use of wood as raw material for the production of bioethanol fuel. The unconventional way of advertising created a public dispute in Switserland (i.e. a number of letters to the editor in local newspapers). While the content and the message of the campaign were seen positively, the manner of media used (advertising in the forest) also caused negative response.
Agency: Fisch.Meier.Direkt Zurich, Switzerland.
Agency: Fisch.Meier.Direkt Zurich, Switzerland.

The Quote 500 junior ABC-book.
Develop a promotional idea for a special issue of the Quote 500, the Dutch equivalent of the Forbes 500. This special issue is called the "Quote 500 junior" and lists Holland's youngest multimillionaires. To get those filthy rich kids on the right track, they came up with a little ABC-book. With 26 invaluable and highly educative words to help the kids get the most out of life. This early learning book was sealed in with the magazine. The special issue sold 19% more copies than in previous years. Furthermore it generated loads of free publicity and requests to get extra copies of the ABC-book. That's why the publisher decided to also sell the book in childeren book stores. For only 4,95 euro (=0,00000495 million euro)!
Agency: Selmore Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Agency: Selmore Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The Speeding Ticket Mailing.
German Rail has built a number of high-speed tracks with top speeds up to 300 kph. They were to create awareness for this, in particular amongst car drivers who still consider rail transport to be slow. The Speeding Ticket mailing. It looks exactly like one of those dreaded German speeding tickets. On closer inspection you'll find out that traveling by rail means speeding at 300 kph without fear of arrest. This playful mailing was sent to car owners in the catchment area of new german Rail high-speed rail connections (Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne, Stuttgart and Nürnberg) to demonstrate who is ahead in the race between rail and road. Rail ticket sales increased by 30% in the test pesponse period.
Agency: Ogilvy Frankfurt, Germany.
Agency: Ogilvy Frankfurt, Germany.

Take out a condom and help the fight against aids.
On December 1st (World AIDS Day), an outdoor poster showing the word "AIDS" written with more than 500 condoms was displayed in a lot of spots throughout the city. As people were invited to take condoms out of it, the word AIDS began to disappear, increasing awareness on the importance of using condoms to stop the spread of AIDS among the population. At the end of the day more than 8000 pedestrians interacted with the poster. And what could be a simple condom sampling action turned into a stronger awareness message against AIDS.
Agency: Escala Communication and Marketing, Brazil.
Agency: Escala Communication and Marketing, Brazil.

Save the Children "Brainteaser"
To grow awareness for the "Save the childeren" charity, they placed a series brainteasers in the quiz & crossword section of newspapers. These riddles were constructed in a similar style to old mathematical brainteasers. Through this rational and factual manner, they were able to educate the readers on the true horrors and atrocities that many childeren face in their everyday lives. On the corresponding webpage, further information regarding these issues was available and the readers could make a donation.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt, Germany.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt, Germany.

Friday, December 14, 2007
The Desktop Refuse Collection from Mercedes-Benz.
Increase awareness and brand likeability for the refuse collection vehicles from Mercedes-Benz. They created a small computer application: Every time the user empties the recycle bin on the computer desktop, a small refuse collection vehicle from Mercedes-Benz appears and picks up the "trash". The application can be downloaded from the Mercedes-Benz website and sent to friends via a link. The application has already been downloaded over 4,500 times. At the same time orders for the refuse collection vehicle brochures increased rapidly. Mercedes-Benz also received many emails with compliments for the application.
Agency: Scholz & Friends Berlin, Germany.
Agency: Scholz & Friends Berlin, Germany.

Fjeedom of speech.
Launch of a new baby-shoother that prevents cross-bite and later orthodontics and speech-defect. The creative idea is based on a children's picture-book with animals, but the animal-names in the book are spelt incorrectly; all the animals contain the letter "r" in Norwegian, but here the "r" has been replaced with the letter "j". This is a typical mispronunciation if you have a speech-defect. Example: "Rat" (in Norwegian: "Ratte") becomes "Jat" ("Jatte"). In the first 45 days they sold more than 22,000 soothers-more than 15% over expected sales.
Agency: DDB Oslo, Norway.
Agency: DDB Oslo, Norway.

Unicef "Minesweeper"
Unicef is undertaking mine action in mine-affected areas all over the world. Objective for the online campaign: -to generate attention for childeren suffering under the perfidious remains of conflicts in Africa: landmines - to generate donations for the dedicated Unicef program the online ads should make internet users deeply concerned - but not shocked. They created interactive online ads that look like the well-known computer game minesweeper. But unlike the original game their ad-game ends abruptly. With the very first click/step he hits a mine and the game is over. Just like in reality of many childeren in Africa, who are killed or mutilated by landmines every day. Clickrates appr. 1,62% scoring above average compared to other campaigns with similar formats.
Agency: Plan.Net Hamburg, Germany.
Agency: Plan.Net Hamburg, Germany.

Stiftung LebensBlicke "Colon Cancer Mailing"
As curtain raiser for "Colon Cancer Month" in March, Stiftung LebensBlicke, a foundation for the prevention of colon cancer, wanted to alert people to the "silent dancer" posed by colon cancer. The unnoticed growth of a colon tumor is physically visualized by unfolding of the mailing. At the same time, the messages build curiosity, what it's all about. The letter's unusual diminutive size - the minimum authorized by postal regulations - generates still more curiosity among recipients. The click rate of the LebensBlicke website increased by more than 20% during the period of the mailing. Subsuquently, an increase in incoming donations was also registered.
Agency: Y&R Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Agency: Y&R Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Catsan Magazine.
When compared to other litters, research proves that Catsan lasts up to three times longer, has a higher absorption power of odours, and produces much less dust. All in all, it makes kitty's "bathroom" a much more pleasant place. The challenge, then, was to convince owners that Catsan is worth the higher purchase price. Cats will want to spend more time in the bathroom; and since reading in the toilet is common human behaviour, why not introduce cats to the same habit? They created a magazine catering to cats, adapted to their size, with articles and ads (both real and make-believe) aimed at them. For cat owners (and to push trial) they included an insert with discount coupons and a "torture test" device. Masterfoods received 800 of the "torture tests" back during the very first week.
Agency: OgilvyOne Lisbon, Portugal.
Agency: OgilvyOne Lisbon, Portugal.

Dead End Job.
As a parent, one of your greatest fears is your child failing at school and jeopardising their future. Academic Excellence provides a range of computer-based educational tools that can help bring children who are struggling at school back up to speed. They wanted to bring the parent's fear to life in a dramatic manner. By showing the kind of job no parent would want their child ending up in, the sandwich board guy who hands out flyers. While the sandwich board highlights the problem, the flyer highlights the solution, that Academic Excellence can help your child achieve success. Job well done. A relevant message delivered in a humorous way straight into the hands of the target market at a time they are thinking about their child's schooling, after school pick-up time. And over 30 sales leads generated in the week of activity.
Agency: Proximity Auckland, New Zealand.
Agency: Proximity Auckland, New Zealand.

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Heytens "Cat Claws Scratching Pad"
Heytens is a leading brand of home decorations. They asked us to announce their new collection of curtains to a female audience. They sent a Cat Claws Scratching Pad with the message "Prepare yourself for the new curtains collection". The mailing also contained a Heytens mini-catalogue. The mailing boosted sales of the new curtains collection by 37% and increased traffic to the Heytens shops during the action.
Agency: Happiness Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: Happiness Brussels, Belgium.

Plopsaland "I want to sit in your class"
Plopsaland wanted to promote their themeparks with a mailing aimed at school teachers, stimulating them visit the parks with their pupils. Teachers receive a letter from a 10 year old schoolgirl, saying: "I want to sit in your class". She explains why: she's disappointed because her class doesn't go to Plopsaland this year. As proof of her enthousiasm for Plopsaland, she adss the presentation she gave in herr class about the educational aspects of the themepark. 8,750 teachers received the mailing. 3,762 pupils visited Plopsaland, representing an income of almost 60,000 euro for the themepark.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.

Vedior "I am moving into your office"
Vedior wanted to promote their in-house service to the HR Manager who needs a lot of temporary workers. Vedior takes over all his work: finding temporary workers, doing the planning and all administration. When opting for this in-house formula, the dedicated Vedior specialist gets his own office in the company, close to the HR Manager. That's why Vedior sent a movers box to the HR Manager. The box contained personal belongings of the Vedior employee, coming straight from his office desk. The letter said: "I can not wait to move into your company" 11 out of 31 contacted companies made an appointment. A responce of 35%.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
P Magazine: Life through Burka.
To promote an article in P Magazine about the daily life of women wearing burkas in Afghanistan, 127,000 of these printed bags were distributed at POS a few weeks before the edition was published. The black bags were designed to look like a traditional burka dress, so that when a P Magazine was dropped into it, the girl on the cover would appear to be wearing the burka. The same effect was achieved with many other magazines.
Agency : Duval Guillaume Antwerp, Belgium.
Agency : Duval Guillaume Antwerp, Belgium.

Vodafone Live Music Awards "Ears"
DHL "Flags"
While designing the annual DHL calendar for stakeholders across India, the challenge was to go byond just a desktop reminder and distinctly highlight the DHL corporate proposition: "We deliver anywhere". The execution was that of a design, wich incorporated the national flags of lesser-known countries in such a manner that every time one turned to the required month, a new flag revealed. This emphasized DHL's "anywhere" reach, spreading over 220 countries and territories worldwide.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai, India.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai, India.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Kids grow up with Complan.
While adults often try to look and feel younger, kids try to look bigger than they actually are. Shadows fascinate kids. In the background of this knowledge, they carried out a rather simple activity in the vicinity of schools, parks and shopping malls. A mall was covered with a backdrop that had a height measuring scale and Complan branding. In front of this backdrop, at a distance of approx. 7 feet, a source of light was placed on the ground level. Now when kids came to check their height they could also see their shadow bein formed on the Complan backdrop. Due to ground level light, as the kid would move towards the source of the light, the shadow on the backdrop keeps growing bigger and bigger. This created excitement amongst kids and parents, and re-emphasized the core brand message "Complan: Extra growing power" The spot became an attraction for every kid in the locality. Charmed by the shadow formation, kids wouls come (accompanied by their parents) and spend hours playing in front of the Complan backdrop, and scoring over each other on the height scale.
Agency: Leo Burnett, India.
Agency: Leo Burnett, India.

Predjudice is one of the worst side-effects.
In Denmark those infected with the HIV virus are still victims of prejudice and stigmatisation. The danish AIDS charity. AIDS-Fondet chose to highlight this on World Aids Day this year with this event, wich resulted in a nation-wide press and television coverage. The person inside the balloon wore a t-shirt wich carried the campaign message: Predjudice is one of the worst side-effects.
Agency: The Aid Agency Copenhagen, Denmark.
Agency: The Aid Agency Copenhagen, Denmark.

Canadian Mental Health Association "Scratch & Learn"
The CMHA wanted to educate the public on how common mental illness is 1 is 5 people will be affected by it to help fight the negative stigma associated with it. They thought that the '1 in 5' stat sounded like gambling odds, and since anyone could suddenly be affected by it, it was kind of like a lottery (albeit one that you wouldn't want to win.) Thousands of tickets were left in office buildings, food courts & shopping malls for people to find, scratch & learn.
Agency: MacLaren McCann Calgary, Canada.
Agency: MacLaren McCann Calgary, Canada.

Friday, December 07, 2007
IAMS "Happy Dog"
Amnesty International "Every coin helps"
A low priced promotion should gain as many bounties as possible. At the same time it should gain new data of people who are willing to donate money for Amnesty activities. 5,000 lottery scratch tickets that showed a prisoner caught behind bars were produced. By scratching the bars with a coin you could eliminate them and set the prisoner free. Beneath the bars following headline was printed: A single coin may have a great effect, if you use it wisely". On the flipside people were asked to order a little present for their donation via an online form on www.amnesty.at.
Agency: DraftFCB Kobza Vienna, Austria.
Agency: DraftFCB Kobza Vienna, Austria.

Amnesty International "Rescue innocent prisoners"
The objective was to draw attention to people who are innocent imprisoned and show at the same time that even a small donation can have a big impact. A simple trick (whereby you pull out the card) demonstrates that everybody can rescue innocent imprisoned with just a small action. Total costs for the whole promotion were compensated within the first month and altogether donations increased by 38 percent.
Agency: DraftFCB Kobza Vienna, Austria.
Agency: DraftFCB Kobza Vienna, Austria.

Animal Public "Seal Baseball"
With a simple but highly dramatic activity, Animal Public is suporting the declaration of the European Parliament to ban seal products in the European Union. As of January 1st 2007 Germany wil be holding the Presideny of the Council of the European Union. Therefore Animal public has sent out an innocent looking white parcel to Mrs. Chancelor Dr. Angela Merkel, to Horst Seehofer (Minister of Agriculture and Consumer-Protection) and many others. Each of the white parcels contained a personal letter and a baseball. A cute looking seal-face was printed onto the front of it and the cruel truth was printed onto the backside: "Every year hundreds of thousands of seals are killed with a bat".
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt, Germany.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt, Germany.

ChildBook UNICEF.
Unicef wanted to touch directly young parents and sensibly them to the fact that million babies in the world die each year, in order to collect money. Unicef also wanted to be coherent with the above-the-line-campaign. This action took place in the most popular library in brussels, at the childeren book department. They inserted a "The End" page just after the first page of several childeren books. So that when you begin to read the book, the end arrives directly. As reading a book to a young child is a mother's or father's job, they can't miss the message back home. Very positive feedback from the customers and PR coverage in newspapers and magazines. Other libraries are intrested in implementing this action. Unicef is very pleased with the first reactions and the coherence with the campaign.
Agency: Publicis Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: Publicis Brussels, Belgium.

Ambient idea for www.nightraucher.de
Since the 1st of september 2007, at railway stations inGermany, people are only allowed to smoke in yellow marked rectangles. These so-called "smoking-islands" can be seen in the picture. With the approval of Deutsche Bahn AG (the national railway company), they transformed the "smoking-islands" at the central stations of Wiesbaden and Frankfurt into labyrinths. At the ashtrays, they showed smokers a quick and easy way to escape the labyrinth, and accordingly their nicotine addiction. (Translation: Getting in was easy. To get out visit nightraucher.de. Germany's largest non-smoking community).
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt, Germany.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt, Germany.

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Bennett Holidays "The Russian Doll envelope"
Bennett Holidays wanted to sell more tours to St. Petersburg in Russia. Their offices are located mainly in small towns, and they wanted "a cost efficient, easy to handle direct mail campaign". The offer was placed inside a small envelope, wich was placed in a larger envelope, wich was placed in a larger envelope... When the receiver finally reached the offer, he would think of the magic Russian dolls, and Bennet Holidays had created a truly "Russian experience" by just using a few envelopes and a stamp. 20% of the target group who received these letters, have booked a tour to St. Petersburg.
Agency: SMFB Oslo, Norway.
Agency: SMFB Oslo, Norway.

When will the Middle Ages be over?
Torture excesses in US military prisons and considerations on legalising torture. Reasons enough to launch a campaign against his medieval form of force. Real images from Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay were illustrated in the style of medieval engravings. These pages were displayed in torture museums. It was clear to visitors - surrounded by cruel torture equipment - that torture is no relic of the past. It is real and going on before our eyes. Visits to the Amnesty International homepage rose by 20%. the downloadable "Stop torture" PDF brochure was downloaded three times more often than before. Applications to join the local Amnesty International groups doubled.
Agency: Ogilvy Frankfurt, Germany.
Agency: Ogilvy Frankfurt, Germany.

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