Monday, January 28, 2008

Microsoft "Shhh... no one will know"

As organizations grow, their IT infrastructure must grow as well. However, most organizations try to make do with their existing base by adding an application or functionality. This puts added pressure on an IT person, who then spends most of his time trouble-shooting instead of innovating or adding value to his IT infrastructure. The task was to tell him about a new server and tools system from Microsoft, without revealing too much about it. The objective was to get him to log on to a website and register to find out more. An IT person spends most of his time running between people’s desks and the server room managing the system and making it run smoothly. They wanted to tell him that installing this system would mean that his workload would lessen and he would have more time on his hands. To help him make sure that no one really notices his newfound state of freedom, they sent him a stick-on computer rearview mirror, so he could quietly be warned of people approaching his desk and act in a suitable manner. Out of the 1000 mailers sent out over 10% registered on the website. These became strong leads for the sales department. The mailer was well-received and on sales visits the rear view mirror was spotted on quite a few computers.

Agency: Wunderman ME, United Arab Emirates.