aQa Pickwick, part of Sara Lee, supplies drinking water systems to companies. aQa Pickwick is an innovative system that connects directly to the main water supply, adds refreshing minerals to the water and looks gorgeous. aQa Pickwick experienced difficulties expanding in the 15.000 unit water cooler market, which is dominated by water coolers using watertanks. They selected 3.000 large enterprises using watertanks and asked Proximity Amsterdam to develop a direct marketing campaign that would get them 500 leads that said 'yes' to a 6 months free trial, including free installation. Watertanks need to be changed regularly, are heavy and impractical plus require a lot of storage space. aQa Pickwick however, connects directly to the main water supply. So who needs watertanks anymore? Still, watertanks can serve a purpose. The mail piece introducing the aQa Pickwick launched the 'aQa Pickwick Watertank Reintegration Program', including a free former-watertank-wastebasket and instruction sheet to create other useful everyday items. The accompanying letter includes a unique prize code. Cold prospects can visit the web site and check their code and have a chance to win one of 20 free aQa Pickwick systems.
Agency: Proximity, The Netherlands.