Friday, December 29, 2006
Consignit "Recruiment Ad"
Consignit is a leading European IT services and consulting company. When Consignit were hiring, they wished to do two things: 1) Get new personnel with a lot of work experience, and 2) Letting everybody know that they are the number one agency in the game. They publish a letter of resignation, pre-written for professionals to use. The ad, was sent out to employees at competing agencies, together with the trade magazine it was published in.
Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.
Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wilson "Stuck Ball"
To promote Wilson’s new high-tech Code tennis rackets, which, by employing the revolutionary nCode technology, are capable of delivering 22% more power to users. Tennis ball halves were stuck onto adhesive sheets and mounted on walls. The balls looked as if they’d been embedded in the wall by the exceptional force of a serve or forehand, dramatizing the effectiveness of the rackets and driving it home with the message, “22% more power. The nCode racket from Wilson.”
Agency: Publicis, Switzerland.
Agency: Publicis, Switzerland.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
S.Pellegrino "Water Codex"
S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna have created a new way of perceiving water. The goal is to classify the information about water, much like what has been done with wine. Recently, people have come to know much more about wine, so much so that today, when dining out, a customer will order a specific brand of wine rather than simply asking for a generic white or red. Books that describe and “teach”about water: its flavour,the ways to keep and serve it and codifying its taste.
Agency: Besanopoli, Italy.
Agency: Besanopoli, Italy.

Friday, December 22, 2006
Goodyear "RunOnFlat Knife"
The brief was to support the launch of the new Run on Flat tyre, increase awareness of Goodyear and drives sales. They were briefed to develop an integrated campaign with in-store POS and ambient activity. They wanted to communicate the proposition of a tyre that keeps on going after a puncture, in an intriguing and unusual way. Most communications surrounding the launch of a new tyre are only in dealerships, however we wanted to expose a wider audience to Goodyear. They created a fake plastic knife that was placed onto the wheel arches of cars using suction pads giving the impression that the knife tip was embedded into the tyre. (This was attention-grabbingly real from 2m or more.) The ROF knife was distributed in car parks and around the vicinity of dealerships.
Agency: Claydon Heeley, United Kingdom.
Agency: Claydon Heeley, United Kingdom.

Pedigree "Doggy Style"
The aim was to establish a new dog food product in the market which is specifically created for puppies, while staying true to Pedigree´s proposition 'For the love of Dogs'. The most influential opinion leaders regarding all things 'dog' related are, without a doubt, dog breeders. And since they make a living in the 'dog reproduction business', obviously the thing that matters most to them, are puppies. In order to win them over for our new product we created the 'Doggy Style Magazine'. The Pedigree way of pushing 'puppy-production'. And there fore our sales.
Agency: TBWA\Germany, Berlin.
Agency: TBWA\Germany, Berlin.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Humanomed "X-Ray"
With Humanomed operators of health institutions can manage patients’ data easily and quickly – with only one click. With Humanomed one simple click is enough for the management of patients’ data. With other software solutions you have to click your way through countless subpages. This fact is being exaggerated and medically depicted: An x-ray shows a broken finger joint – caused by too much clicking.
Agency: OgilvyOne Worldwide, Austria.

Agency: OgilvyOne Worldwide, Austria.

Deutsche Post "Painting by Numbers"
To raise awareness of the new German post code register among corporate clients of Deutsche Post, and to increase sales. How can a dry set of codes be made attractive and exciting to an audience that sees it as a boring, mundane tool? The answer comes in the form of a Little Book which provides a new way of looking at post codes. It invites the user to play around with the contents of the new post code register.
Agency: BBDO, Germany.
Agency: BBDO, Germany.

Monday, December 18, 2006
TDC "Nothing To Hide"
To create curiosity and draw attention to the website. Due to increased price-pressure TDC wanted the clients to understand that TDC tells it like it is and wanted to inform the potential customers about all that TDC delivers rather that only a price. The message is simple. They have no hidden agenda. That reflects in their Direct Marketing who is transparent. You won’t find any demands in small print when you turn the paper. Translation: For the first time ever! A broadband contract without any hidden agendas. We have no hidden starting fee. No hidden binding time. And no hidden agenda. (Followed by product message).
Agency: DDB Stockholm, Sweden.
Agency: DDB Stockholm, Sweden.

Guinness "Coaster"
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Swahili African Restaurant "Place Mat"
Alexander Bayer "Asylum Application"
Commercial photographer Alexander Bayer from Vision Studios in Balgach has received several national and international awards. In addition to local ad agencies, well-known ad agencies in Zurich can now also benefit from this because, unfortunately, until now this photographer has been mainly working with regional advertising agencies who can transform few really large ideas. In order to stand out from the approximately 2000 Swiss photographers and not to contend for great campaigns with a dull photo album, thought was given to the differentiation and a unique acquisition tool was created. The idea is based on origin – all employees at Vision Studios, including the manager, are very well-educated photo professionals who may well be working in Switzerland but they all come from Austria. Thus, an application for asylum for the national accredited Austrian master photographer Alexander Bayer was created. The references were processed into one passport. With this package an audience with the Art Director of a well-known Swiss advertising agency was requested.
Agency: AGENTUR AM FLUGHAFEN, Switserland.
Agency: AGENTUR AM FLUGHAFEN, Switserland.

Volkswagen "Reassuringly Safe"
The Polo is reassuringly safe. That is also the claim of the current campaign. The task was to quickly communicate or even better to make the aspects of reassuring safety and the outstanding safety concept of the Polo tangible. Aim of this action was to evoke the wish to test drive the Polo. The target group consisted of young men and women between 25 and 39. With the “Knautsch-Polo” we made the reassuring aspect as well as the safety concept touchable. Because on the one hand the “Knautsch-Polo” is a so called “anti stress-ball” that can be squeezed for relaxation, and on the other hand it always goes back to its original form and hence is unbreakable – just like the Polo.
Agency: Tribal DDB, Germany.
Agency: Tribal DDB, Germany.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
BMW "Nightvision"
Invite potential BMW 7 Series drivers to take a test drive. Market research had found out that BMW 7 Series drivers have a passion for innovative technologies. Which is why we did not focus on the BMW 7 Series itself, but rather on BMW Night Vision, the thermal imaging camera exclusive to the BMW 7 Series. It lets you see what’s coming sooner. This benefit was illustrated by printing the letter on the outside of the envelope.
Agency: Jung von Matt, Germany.
Agency: Jung von Matt, Germany.

American Express "Newspaper"
Travelling is constantly top of mind within the target group. Travelling physically, but also mentally. You want to be a part of a bigger global context; being Gold Card Member is one step in the right direction: In Sweden, the newspaper is delivered to the door in the morning. This morning people in Stockholm woke up with a foreign newspaper on the floor.
Agency: Ogilvy Advertising Stockholm, Sweden.
Agency: Ogilvy Advertising Stockholm, Sweden.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Otto "Spyhole"
Baileys "Welcome Pack"
The main objective for this activity was to generate content for a welcome pack for the Baileys RM programme. We needed to create a welcome pack that immediately engaged new members and gave them a good understanding of what the Baileys RM programme was all about. We decided to use our key assets to generate the content for the welcome pack, the members themselves. Their shared love of Baileys is what brings them together but their outright enthusiasm had also become apparent. They had demonstrated that they were a creative and responsive bunch in previous communications. What better then, than to use their creative flair to generate the content of the welcome pack for new members of the Baileys RM programme? We asked them to send us in their simple pleasures, which we compiled into the Coffee Table book, the welcome pack for the Baileys Lounge.


Guinness "Paper Cups"
Friday, December 08, 2006
WDCS "Dolphin in the net"
WDCS wants to strengthen public awareness of their work: the conservation of whales and dolphins. The organisation wants to call attention to the problem of dolphin bycatch in fishing nets and wants to inspire people to adopt endangered dolphins from the north sea. A card with a reply card was developed. On its back side it says “you too can save dolphins“. On its front it shows a dolphin. The card is put in the racks on the back of bus and train seats. By extricating the dolphin card out of the rack the passengers symbolically free the animals out of the fishing net. During bus and train rides passengers have enough time to deal with the card, to become aware of the problem of dolphin bycatch, to awake to the necessity of adopting a dolphin and to complete the reply card.
Agency: SCHOLZ & FRIENDS, Germany.
Agency: SCHOLZ & FRIENDS, Germany.

b4b "Plants on desk"
b4b (software, consulting, education, integrated business processes) is a sucessful Croatian company that also recognises the importance of forming an emotional bond with their clients. This year the aim was to raise awareness of the public about an issue that their business partners and clients could relate to. The idea presents a serious problem and a simple solution. The problem of "Sick Building Syndrome" is chosen because it is close to the target group, since they all work in closed business surroundings. During the 1st mailing cycle plants with message “Plants on desks” have been delivered. In 2nd cycle recipients received Christmas cards with brochure about the "Sick Building Syndrome" that presented a simple solution which improves health conditions in general and increases efficiency. The solution opened a wide range of activities that can preserve distinctive image of the b4b company through the whole year.


FOD "Listen to teddy"
To address the largest companies in Czech Republic to raise funds for FOD - the fund of endangered children. Secondary goal was to engage also the public and to initiate a general discussion about the issue of tortured children. People somehow are aware of this issue but until they are personally involved, they remain passive. Tortured children have a problem - but no one to tell. The only trusted being is their favorite toy - Teddy Bear. We created a DM pack to CEOs of large corporations, including a real Teddy Bear with an authentic message of a tortured little girl. Teddy comes in a shoe box - his living space, which is created with love of his little girl to protect him from all that could hurt. Teddy proposes to call the Chairwoman of FOD and make a donation.
Agency: Proximity, Czech Republic.
Agency: Proximity, Czech Republic.

Hahn Nitzsche "Mixing Console"
To develop an unusual idea for a mailing to advertise the Hahn Nitzsche recording studio, and raise its profile among Hamburg advertising agencies. To ensure our message reached the target audience not just once, but on a daily basis, we created a calendar in the shape of a mixing desk – the nerve centre of any recording studio. This featured 12 sliding faders, encouraging recipients to “get in the mix” every day: each fader represented a month of the year, and could be set to the current date.
Agency Jung von Matt, Germany.

Agency Jung von Matt, Germany.

Pro Asyl "The Different Collection"
The fugitive aid organisation “Pro Asyl” fights for people who’ve fled their country to apply for German asylum. Many of them suffer years from rigorous and baffling deportation tactics of the German government. As this topic has hardly been noticed by the public and “Pro Asyl” hasn’t got the financial background for classic communication, it is essential to take concerted action and raise awareness with a simple campaign. During the final round of the FIFA WM 2006 three new motives of the much sought after Panini-collector stickers have been distributed. But instead of famous football players portraits these “fakes” showed Portraits of fugitives from WM 2006 competing countries such as Angola, Serbia-Montenegro, Togo, facing deportation by German authorities. On the flipside of these stickers the individual ordeal of these asylum seekers could be found as well as the appeal to engage for those people. At collectors meetings in Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt these “fakes” were distributed amongst real collectors.
Agency: JWT Frankfurt, Germany.
Agency: JWT Frankfurt, Germany.

Sony Ericsson "Technophobe"
This mailing was designed to launch the J230i, one of Sony Ericsson's range of 'Essential' phones, to 02 store staff. As a result of the mailing, we wanted staff to: a) Understand what makes this phone different from all the others out there b) Be able to recognise the type of person this phone might appeal to i.e. technophobes c) Come away with a basic knowledge of the phone's features, so they could sell it on to customers d) Enter the competition to win a J230i by answering a few basic questions on the phone. Who better to launch a phone for technophobes than a technophobe himself? We created a curious chap called Adam, who had discovered the phone and wanted to spread the word. At odds with the modern world, Adam kept notes of his experiences with the phone in his diary. We chose an eccentric (yet charming) voice for him, illustrated his diary in a witty style, then chose a lo-fi stock to print it on. The badges were homemade on a machine at the designer's house, and even the label on the envelope looked like Adam had nicked it from his Granny.
Agency: IRIS, United Kingdom.
Agency: IRIS, United Kingdom.

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Volkswagen "Megapuzzle"
Primarily a sign was set to express that Volkswagen cares about children and does justice to its social engagement. Also to develop an action enlightening children in order to influence the parents’ purchase intention. Target group was on the one hand selected kindergartens but on the other hand this action has also been pushed ahead as a test acquisition through banner and web special usage. Based on the Sharan claim “children need space” we have come up with a jigsaw puzzle in order to give it to kindergartens so that the children can colour it and take a picture of it. The pictures then had to be sent to Volkswagen via e-mail. Through a direct mail, a banner campaign and a web special we first looked for kindergartens that wanted to take part in our campaign. Responses were directed via internet. The kindergarten with the most beautifully coloured Sharan could win a full week with a Sharan fleet for trips – including the driver.
Agency: Tribal DDB, Germany.
Agency: Tribal DDB, Germany.

MasterCard "Empty Envelope"
Develop an idea to provide clear information to MasterCard holders that in future they will be receiving nothing in mail but can easily check their monthly statement via the internet. The direct mail not only achieved great awareness among MasterCard holders, it also gave the new online tool a successful launch.

Staedtler "Erase this letter"
Staedtler, manufacturer of premium quality erasers, wanted to reinforce its brand image and increase sales of their Mars Plastic eraser through art schools. The agency came up with highly personalized sales letters, every single one entirely handwritten in pencil by the Staedtler marketing manager. Enclosed was a Mars Plastic Eraser. The letters were sent to principals and supply managers of art schools. After reading the letter, they were asked to erase it with the Mars Plastic eraser. This was the best way to prove the eraser’s superior quality. 43% of the contacts responded to the offer, leading to higher sales.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.

Langley Travel "Instant respect kit"
Langley Travel is known in Scandinavia as “the skiers’ travel agency”. Their summer season program has an active profile (climbing, trekking, sailing etc) but that’s not quite well-known. The challenge was to make more guests from the winter season to travel with them in the summer too.This unit was sent to people who travelled with Langley on really tough ski vacations, such as off-piste skiing in La Grave (France), Canada or Iran. The purpose was to tell the target group that Langley has a huge program of activities on their resorts. But by wearing the fake tattoos, the guest can relax by the pool without losing his active, daredevil image.
Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.

Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.

MEY "Stamps"
Create a direct mail that sparks retailers’ interest in the new underwear collection 2006. They used stamps showing the portrait of well-known Germans. Below these stamps the envelope was printed with beautiful bodies wearing the new MEY underwear – proof that MEY makes everyone a bit more beautiful! The letter introduced the collection and the retailer was invited to arrange for a presentation.
Agency: Jung von Matt, Germany.
Agency: Jung von Matt, Germany.

Langley Travel "Fresh snow sample"
Langley Travel is known in Scandinavia as “the skiers’ travel agency”. They organise skiing holidays for dedicated and passionate skiers. The challenge was to make more people book their ski holidays earlier. The one thing that makes a skiers heart beat faster is to know that the first snow is falling. In early August, we collected fresh snow on Mont Blanc, packed it in plastic bags, and sent the incredible good news to skiers’ in Scandinavia.
Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.
Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.

Langley Travel "Extra everything"
Langley Travel is the 12th biggest travel agency in Scandinavia. They offer an all inclusive concept, including everything from activities to food and sports gear. This is almost unknown to the market. Langleys great range of activities and services doesn’t fit in one ad. This DM was a sent with the leading travel magazine in Sweden. When the reader opened the plastic cover, 20 yellow splashes fell out. Later, when he saw the full page ad, he understood where they came from.
Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.
Agency: GOSS Gothenburg, Sweden.

Wuerttembergische Versicherung "Business Lighters"
Every three minutes, a fire breaks out somewhere in Germany. Most incidents occur in private households, where causes range from unattended electrical appliances or naked flames to unforeseeable hazards. The insurance company “Wuerttembergische Versicherung”, wanted to make customers more aware of these dangers, and asked them to develop an advertising tool to show how quickly possessions can go up in smoke – and that taking out Household and Buildings insurance is a worthwhile investment. Their solution involved one of the most widespread promotion tools in the whole insurance branch – business cards. Instead of ordinary cards, Wuerttemberg’s people now hand out engraved petrol lighters with one of three different motifs: an ironing board and iron, a Christmas tree, or a house. When customers open the lid and flick the wheel, they see how quickly these harmless objects can turn into dangerous fires. People who see the point of taking out Household and Buildings insurance can then contact their local agent, using the address on the back of the lighter.
Agency: Leo Burnett, Germany.
Agency: Leo Burnett, Germany.

Adidas "Fresco Souvenirs"
With the World Cup on home territory, adidas made it their goal to demonstrate the real strength of their brand, in order to avoid the risk of not being recognised in the mass. Bigger, wider, newer and never done before was the aim for all Adidas World Cup communication to come. adidas didn´t merely want to be 'talk of the town' but 'talk of the world'. With the world´s biggest football fresco in the entrance hall of Cologne train station, a hub for supporters from all over the world, the need for souvenirs was obvious. Though we didn´t create football souvenirs but souvenirs like every major site has them. Cups, plates, candles, postcards etc., we had them all for the football fan to take back home for their loved ones.
Agency: TBWA\Berlin (180\TBWA), Germany.
Agency: TBWA\Berlin (180\TBWA), Germany.

EnWB "Mailing"
EnBW is sponsor of the FIFA worldcup. As a utilities company EnBW is not strongly connected to the sport and the audience. So the task was to develop a direct mailing for the EnBW clients that makes clear: We are doing it for the fans. The mailing that turns livingrooms into football stadiums: Put the cover over the sofa and watch the games on TV while sitting on the trainer´s bench! This mailing made absolutely clear that the EnBW wants everyone to have fun during the worldcup. And: as part of a integrated campaign it was used to build up a football community centered on the theme of putting the fans into the first row.
Agency: Jung von Matt, Germany.

Agency: Jung von Matt, Germany.

I DO "From the past"
A Direct Marketing agency hosted a seminar by Alan Rosenspan, “The Evolution of Direct Marketing.” They wanted to invite their clients to it. The agency mailed a box, filled with soil and accompanied by a little shovel, to their clients. The wrapping around the box asked them if they thought traditional Direct Marketing would soon be history. When they dug in the soil, they found an old paper mailing with a letter that said: “Alan Rosenspan will tell it to you soon.”
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: I DO Brussels, Belgium.

FC Schalke 04 "Soccer Fan Calender"
The objective was to create the annual gift mailing for all members of the FC Schalke 04 supporters club. The item should also be a side blow to the football club of the archrival Dortmund. An entertaining gift was developed reminding all members of the club's mission: every day of the daily tear-off calendar on the score board stands for another goal against the archrival Dortmund.
Agency: SCHOLZ & FRIENDS, Germany.
Agency: SCHOLZ & FRIENDS, Germany.

Bosch "Srews"
To develop a high-impact idea for a mailing which would get Bosch retailers, employees and suppliers excited about the long battery life of the company’s li-ion cordless screwdrivers. To show how Bosch li-ion cordless screwdrivers can be used 365 days a year, we wrote to the target group and sent them a highly unusual calendar: a 42 x 59 cm wooden board with 365 screws in it.
Agency: Jung von Matt, Germany.

Agency: Jung von Matt, Germany.

PSP "Wallpaper"
Reinforce the new PSP (PlayStation Portable) cult status. Use wallpapers as a relation builder. The agency created real PSP wallpaper: 5 different designs in the red & white PSP colours, each one composed of elements referring to one of the 5 PSP applications. The wallpaper was distributed via the coolest shops in Amsterdam and Brussels. To spread the word, the same designs were used in an outdoor PSP campaign.
Agency: TBWA/Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: TBWA/Brussels, Belgium.

Brussels Police "Stressballs"
Tell drivers and other road users in the city that aggressive behaviour is not a solution. Instead of telling drivers not to be aggressive, the agency produced 20,000 stress balls and leaflets depicting a motorist, a pedestrian, a cyclist or a motorcyclist, which were distributed by Brussels police officers. This playful and interactive medium not only puts a smile on the road user's face, it also allows him to redirect his anger when really necessary. The campaign got huge positive press coverage in newspapers and on radio and television.
Agency: TBWA\Brussels, Belgium.
Agency: TBWA\Brussels, Belgium.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Aert van Seggelen Headhunter "Edible Business Card"
Pickwick "Watertank Reintegration Program"
aQa Pickwick, part of Sara Lee, supplies drinking water systems to companies. aQa Pickwick is an innovative system that connects directly to the main water supply, adds refreshing minerals to the water and looks gorgeous. aQa Pickwick experienced difficulties expanding in the 15.000 unit water cooler market, which is dominated by water coolers using watertanks. They selected 3.000 large enterprises using watertanks and asked Proximity Amsterdam to develop a direct marketing campaign that would get them 500 leads that said 'yes' to a 6 months free trial, including free installation. Watertanks need to be changed regularly, are heavy and impractical plus require a lot of storage space. aQa Pickwick however, connects directly to the main water supply. So who needs watertanks anymore? Still, watertanks can serve a purpose. The mail piece introducing the aQa Pickwick launched the 'aQa Pickwick Watertank Reintegration Program', including a free former-watertank-wastebasket and instruction sheet to create other useful everyday items. The accompanying letter includes a unique prize code. Cold prospects can visit the web site and check their code and have a chance to win one of 20 free aQa Pickwick systems.
Agency: Proximity, The Netherlands.
Agency: Proximity, The Netherlands.

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