Doom & Dickson is an advertising agency in The Netherlands. Two ‘founding fathers’ Jack Doom & Bill Dickson never really existed. They play a large role however in our communication. An exhibition on the internet of their historic ads was the big bang for the agency. Even national newspapers wrote articles about the world famous Jack Doom & Bill Dickson. In following years a book with their ads and a CD of Frank Sinatra at the 20th anniversary of Doom&Dickson in New York were sent to clients, press, advertising colleagues and prospects. In 2006 they needed something new and exciting. Not only have Jack Doom and Bill Dickson created stunning (imaginary) ads, they also have written dozens of books on Marketing & Advertising that have changed their profession. Unfortunately nobody has had the opportunity to buy or read one of their books. That’s why they have sent a mail piece with a lightweight version of 20 of their finest books to our clients, advertising colleagues and potential clients. Because it is like it is said in the accompagning letter; ‘A decision maker without books is like Marilyn Monroe without her beauty mark. Just another face in the crowd.’ Next to very enthousiastic reactions of clients, press, advertising colleagues and prospects it gave they a ticket to a big pitch for a national newspaper that already had made a shortlist without Doom & Dickson on it. They changed their minds after receiving The Doom & Dickson Book Collection. They thought this was just the fresh approach they were looking for in an agency.
Agency: Doom & Dickson Amsterdam, The Netherlands.