To win back customers who had previously been loyal to Tesco, but who have not shopped there for 12 weeks prior to the mailing. We didn't know the specific reason why they'd stopped using Tesco, so we had to tread very carefully. To let people know we missed them as customers, in a way that was unexpected and charming we sent them a till receipt from 'Till No4'. It arrived in an unbranded envelope. The receipt included a money-off voucher (£5 and £10 variants were tested). When the vouchers were redeemed, the till replied with a personal 'Welcome back' message ('Hooray! You're back. We missed you!'). 56% redemption across the two offers, bringing more than 4,500 lapsed customers back to Tesco, and uplifting their average basket value.
Agency: EHS Brann London, United Kingdom.