In 2008 alone, 16.832 cases of domestic violence were recorded in Portugal. 2.298 more cases than in 2007. In light of this situation, Amnesty International asked them to develop an initiative that would raise awareness amongst all Portuguese people concerning this question and, at the same time, make them feel responsible for denouncing this kind of crime. They filled soap dispensers in WC's of several bars in Lisbon with soap that is identical in colour and thickness with blood. On the exterior of the soap dispensers they placed a sticker bearing a message charging people with the responsibility for denouncing crimes of domestic violence by calling Amnesty International's telephone line - on penalty of becoming accomplices to a crime. Most people's initial reaction was a sense of shock and revulsion. Nonetheless, after reading and assimilating the message, the initiative helped increase the level of empathy with the cause and obtained a high level of visibility and notoriety amongst Lisbon's nightlife goers.
Agency: McCann Erickson Lisbon, Portugal.