Many traffic accidents happen when drivers change lanes without paying enough attention. That is why Mercedes-Benz introduced its newly developed Blind Spot Assist system, a technology that allows drivers to monitor those areas around their cars that they normally wouldn't be able to see. The aim was to create awareness for the Blind Spot Assist system and to demonstrate the leadership of Mercedes-Benz as a car maker that always finds new, innovative ways for promoting traffic safety. This double message was to be communicated in a simple, yet surprising way. Traffic mirrors are quite similar in function to the Blind Spot Assist system, since they too show drivers those spots that are visually inaccessible to them. And since both are equally helpful tools for preventing car accidents, the former is the ideal medium for promoting the latter. To do so, stickers were attached to a large number of traffic mirrors, e.g. in underground car parks (of supermarkets), at the entry of busy country roads, or in selected places all over the city. In other words: in all the 'tricky spots' where traffic mirrors are supposed to lend drivers a 'helping eye', as it were. It was simple. Everyone understood the function of traffic mirrors, hence everyone understood equally well the benefits of the new Blind Spot Assist system. It was well-timed. For it reached the target group at exactly the right moment, i.e. when they were sensitized to the issue of traffic safety. It was surprising. The target audience simply didn't expect to find any advertising in or around a place like a traffic mirror. First, during the campaign the technology section of the Mercedes-Benz website registered a 200% increase in keyword searches related to the Blind Spot Assist system. Second, there was an increased demand for this new safety features by clients who bought a new Mercedes. Third, many of the existing Mercedes-Benz drivers wanted to have their cars fitted with the new technology.
Agency: Jung von Matt Zurich, Switserland.