Everyone has had the experience of having a good night’s sleep in a hotel bed with a partner who woke up with back pain. Or vice versa. Because everyone has his individual way of sleeping, the perfect mattress must respond individually to every human body. And when the perfect mattress responds individually to everyone, the advertising medium for this mattress must do likewise. A media strategy as simple as it is compelling, one that enables the Swiss mattress maker riposa to clearly differentiate itself from strong competitors. “The medium is the message.” This sentence has never been shown to be truer than with the manifestation of the riposa advertising message in the form of an interactive poster. Inspired by the legendary office game named “Pin Art” or “Pin Pressions,” a life-size construction was created whose 2000 aluminum rods can transform any body into an instant sculpture – a head-to-toe impression. Headline: “It responds point by point to your body: the back mattress from riposa.” The riposa Pin Pression celebrated its worldwide premiere at the largest trade fair in Switzerland, muba in Basel. The reactions were immense: Children, teenagers, families, couples and bestagers qued to emulate their backs as Pin Art and be photographed in this pose. The Pin Pression was placed in an area of high frequency and impact – over 300.000 visitors were recorded. In addition, positive reaction was echoed in numerous sales presentations on healthy backs and matresses. Many articles in the local and international press and on websites publicised the event. Given the huge publicity, the production costs of 20’000 Euros and the desired advertising effect were amortised within two days of the exhibition.
Agency: Euro RSCG Zurich, Switserland.